Diffusion and Osmosis Station Concept Map Demos with questions
Diffusion and Osmosis Concept Map Mission Statement/Goals Who’s Who Classroom Policies Special Projects Grading Parent Conferences Summary
Demo: Activity 1 Procedure: 1. The Petri dish contains a cotton ball. When everyone in your group is ready, remove the lid from the Petri dish. 2. Using your stopwatch, record how long it takes everyone in the group to smell the substance. 3. Place the lid back on the Petri dish. 4. Record your answers to the questions below in your science notebook
Questions: Activity 1
Activity 2 Procedure: 1. A scented cotton ball was placed inside the balloon at your lab table. 2. Gently shake the balloon and smell it. 3. Place the balloon back on the lab table. 4. Record your answers to the questions below in your science notebook.
Activity 2 Questions 1. Could you smell through the balloon? 2. How is the balloon similar to a cell membrane?
General Questions What are the 2 characteristics that all types of passive transport have in common? What are the 2 types of passive transport?
Activity 3 : Raisins Procedure: 1. Observe the raisins that were soaked in the beaker of water. 2. Compare the soaked raisins to the raisins in the Petri dish. 3. Record your answers to the questions below in your science notebook.
Activity 3: Raisin Questions . What changes do you observe in the appearance of the raisins? 2. Based on your observations, where was the highest concentration of solute? 3. If you wanted the raisins to return to their original size, what would you need to do to their environment? (You can’t remove the raisins from the beaker.)
Activity 3: Raisins Questions Think for a moment about how raisins are made… As you watch the first half of this clip, think about what these raisins have to do with cell transport. How It's Made – Raisins- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8DepWX4_4
Egg Osmosis Describe what is taking place in each egg, and how it relates to osmsosis.