Module 1: System Overview This section describes a general overview of the following systems: MB312-LDD (Chemical System) MPC25A-D (Chemical System) SD200 (Slurry Distribution System) Lift Station Host & Remote
Chemical System Overview The Mega MB Chemical Blending and Distribution Systems blend chemicals according to a user-defined recipe. The blended chemical is recirculated through a filtration loop for a user-defined period and transferred to the day tank, where it is later transferred to the point-of-use (POU) on demand.
Chemical System Overview, continued Chemical Supply Filter 1 Chemical System Overview N2 DI Vent N2 DI Distribution Tank Filter 1 N2 DI An alarm is activated if the drum level falls below the low-low setpoint, indicating it is time to switch drums. Chemical is stored in a dual drum cabinet, and is pumped from one drum until it falls below the low-low level setpoint. The chemical is pumped from the drums through one of two filter banks to the Blend tank. If the chemical is not requested by the Blend Tank, it is circulated back to the Distribution tank. If neither is requesting, no valves will be open. When one filter bank is exhausted, a second bank is brought online to ensure flow is not interrupted while the filter is changed on the first bank. Drain Filter 2 Blend Tank Sample Drain N2 DI Next Page Press Start Animation Start Animation Wait… Pump Vent CDA Drain Filter 2 Drum 2 Drum 1 Drum Cabinet
Chemical System Overview, continued Blending Distribution Tank Module 2: System Overview DI Flush Drain Vent Chemical System Overview Sample Compartment Drum Supply LSHH LSH LSL LSLL The Blend dispenses to the Distribution station when the level of the Distribution tank falls below the low-level setpoint and the batch in the Blend Tank has been qualified. The Blend Tank fill sequence is initiated when the level falls below the low-level switch. If the level falls below the low-low level sensor when the system is dispensing or recirculating, an alarm is activated. Raw chemical is pumped into the Blend tank until it reaches the high-level sensor. If the level reaches the high-high level sensor, an alarm is activated and all fill valves are closed. Pump Vent Drain Plenum Sample Drain N2 DI N2 DI Next Page Press Start Animation Start Animation Wait… CDA Drain
Chemical System Overview, continued Distribution Blend Station Module 2: System Overview Global Loop DI Flush ABPR Chemical System Overview Drum Supply LSHH LSH LSL LSLL Filter N2 DI Once the Distribution Tank is filled, one of two pumps distributes the mixture through the Global Loop supply, to the POU, and back to the Distribution tank (in a loop). Blended chemical is pumped to the Distribution Tank when the level of the tank falls below the low-level setpoint. N2 DI Next Page Press Start Animation Start Animation Wait… Drain Sample Drain
Slurry Distribution System Overview SD System Overview Front The Mega SD200 transfers slurry from a drum to the day tank where it is then dispensed as needed to the SBD stations. The level of the day tank determines when the slurry is automatically transferred from the drums. Slurry can also be manually transferred by the operator. Slurry from the drum is recirculated on a timed basis and prior to transferring. Once in the day tank, the slurry is constantly recirculated. Before being dispensed to the SBD, the slurry is pumped through a filter. Back
Slurry Distribution System Overview, continued Drum/Tote Supply SD System Overview Day Tank N2 LSHH LAHH LAH (STOP) LAL (FILL) LALL DI DI Sample CDA Vent Slurry is pumped from a drum or tote to a day tank when the level of the day tank falls below the low-level setpoint. Drum/Tote Vent To Distribution DI Drain Wait… Next Page Press Start Animation Start Animation Sump CDA Vent
Slurry Distribution System Overview, continued From Filters/Loop From Drums Day Tank SD System Overview LSHH LAHH LAH (STOP) LAL (FILL) LALL Sample N2 To Filters/Loop Slurry is pumped to the filter (next page). Once in the day tank, the slurry is kept constantly flowing. At least one of the pumps is always running. Sample Vent N2 Wait… Press Start Animation Start Animation Next Page DI DI Drain Sump (Day Tank) Sump (Process Cabinet) Vent
Slurry Distribution System Overview, continued Filtration SD System Overview N2 From Distribution Pumps Drain Drain DI Drain DI Drain Drain Sample After being filtered, the slurry is pumped to the Slurry Supply Loop and into the SBD tank, as needed. To Slurry Supply Loop Wait… Press Start Animation Start Animation Next Page
Lift Station Overview Lift stations are used to pump chemical or slurry materials from Mega tools to the appropriate drains. Sensors on the lift stations denote four liquid levels in the tanks: empty, low, high, and high / high. When the level of the liquid in the lift station tank reaches the low level, the lift station will begin pumping out of the tank until the empty level is reached. The high level in the lift station denotes a condition in which the lift station cannot accept any more chemical. The FMCS or SCADA will read this level and generate a warning to the operators and the tools, the latter of which may inhibit the tools from dispensing sump liquid to the lift station. After the high sensor trigger is removed, the tools can resume pumping into the lift station tank. Lift Station Overview Lift Station Front Lift Station Back
Host & Remote Overview The MegaLink Host 120 system provides control of valve manifold boxes (VMBs) and status interfacing between point-of-use (POU) tools and Mega slurry and chemical tools. When tool sends a chemical available signal, a contact is closed allowing the MegaLink H120 to receive a demand signal from the POU. When a POU sends a chemical demand signal, the MegaLink H120 opens the appropriate valve in the VMB to supply to the POU. The MegaLink H120 displays the status of demand signals received from the POU tools. The PanelView Plus 1000 interface enables the user to operate and monitor the hosts and remotes through the use of function keys and screen displays. Host & Remote Overview Host Remote
Module 2: Operation Module 2: Operation
HMI Overview Touch Screen Graphics Automatic Valves Tank Pumps Function Buttons
System Startup Refer to Restarting after EMO if restarting the system. Toggle the AC Disconnect switch to the ON position. System Startup Ensure the EMO is disengaged (pulled out). Press the green Start button on the front of the Controls cabinet. When the startup is complete, the Home screen is displayed.
Login/Logout Password Permissions The user password authorizes the user to view and/or edit various controls in the system. The touch screen interface is set up with the following levels of permissions: Login/Logout Guest - enables an operator to view major screens in the system. Operator - enables an operator to start and stop the process, take samples, calibrate LFCs, etc. Maintenance - enables operator access with additional permissions to bypass door interlocks, manually open and close valves, and access the Maintenance screen. Engineer - enables all access including changing setpoints, changing alarm severity, etc.
Login/Logout, continued Logging In Press the Login button on the Home screen. Press the User Name field to enter a login name (Operator, Maintenance, or Engineer). Use the on-screen keypad to enter the login name, and then press the return key. Press Password to enter the corresponding login password. Use the on-screen keypad to enter a password, and then press Enter. Press OK to exit the Log On Dialog. Login/Logout Logging Out Press the Logout button on the Menu bar to log out of the current password permissions and return to Guest.
Automatic Operation The following procedure places the system into Automatic operation. Press Maintenance to display the Tool Maintenance screen. Ensure the pumps are ready for operation, and then toggle each pump online by pressing the applicable pump switch to Online mode. Press the Auto/Manual Mode Control button to toggle the station(s) to Auto operation. The Flush/Purge sequence begins. See Flush/Purge. Automatic Operation Maintenance Screen Example
Monitor the System in Manual Mode! Manual Operation Placing the system in Manual mode de-energizes all solenoid valves. This sets all valves in their normal (safe) state when Manual mode is activated. In Manual mode, combinations of valves can accidentally be opened or closed that are outside the scope of the equipment design. The operator assumes all responsibility for running the system in Manual mode. If … Start… Opening valves Downstream and move in the upstream direction. Closing valves Upstream and move downstream. Manual Operation CAUTION Monitor the System in Manual Mode! Some alarms may not function in Manual mode. Potential hazards may be created. Use caution.
Manual Operation, continued Login with Admin credentials for placing the system in Manual Mode. Press Maintenance from the Home screen. Press the Auto/Manual Control Mode button to toggle the station to Manual mode. Press the Previous button to return to the Home screen. Press the appropriate Station Overview button. Press valve icons on the Overview screen to energize or de-energize the selected valve. A green valve is open. A red valve is closed. Return the system to Automatic mode as soon as possible. Manual Operation Maintenance Screen Example
Restarting after an EMO If the system shuts down while running an operation, it does not continue where it left off after the restart. An Abort decision is required before continuing to Local or Global recirculation to ensure a high-quality batch in the tank. If the system is shut down due to an EMO condition, pull the EMO button out before the next step. Press the green Start button. After the system fully initializes, the Flush/Purge Control Dialog displays. Continue with the steps in Flush/Purge. Restarting after EMO
Obtain Appropriate Authorization! Flush/Purge Batch Abort Batch aborts (flush/purge) may be necessary if process parameters, such as pH and density, are out of specification range or if the batch becomes contaminated. A flush/purge is used to drain and flush the blend tank, and when a thorough cleaning is necessary. A gravity drain dumps the entire blend tank contents to the drain, however, residual fluid is left in the process piping. NOTICE Obtain Appropriate Authorization! Batch Abort dumps the tank contents to the drain. Obtain authorization before proceeding with a Flush/Purge. Flush/Purge
Flush/Purge, continued Flushing and Purging Select the type of abort (flush/purge) sequence you would like to perform. Gravity Drain Only Complete Flush/Purge Reset Flush/Purge Based on the abort sequence chosen, select the action you prefer to perform at the end of the abort sequence. If you choose… Your choices are… Gravity Drain Only Put station in Manual Put station in Standby Start a new batch (Blend station only) Complete Flush/Purge Reset Flush/Purge Put station in local recirculation Flush/Purge Press the Execute button to start the Abort (Flush/Purge) sequence. Repeat for the remaining station(s).
Sampling system chemistry exposes the operator to chemical hazards. CAUTION Chemical Hazard! Sampling system chemistry exposes the operator to chemical hazards. Wear the following PPE when taking samples: Acid-resistant gloves Chemical safety goggles and full-face shield Protective clothing such as a lab coat, apron, or coveralls Use an approved container to hold the sample. Sampling
Sampling, continued From the Blend Overview screen, press the Take Sample button, or from the Distribution Overview screen, press the Pump A Sample button or the Pump B Sample button. Press the Start Sampling button. A flush/purge of the sample port is automatically performed. Follow the on-screen steps to complete the sampling process. Sampling