Welcome to SUNY Poly Civil Engineering Technology Program 11/13/2018
Civil Engineering Technology Program Leads to a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Technology Accredited by ETAC-ABET Approximately 70 students 11/13/2018
Mission Statement Provide quality undergraduate studies in civil engineering technology. Encourage academic and intellectual achievement of the highest quality and the technical competencies inherent to the field of civil engineering technology. Committed to the integration of these elements in a coherent program of higher learning. 11/13/2018
Faculty Lawrence Dunn, PE Jayne Baran, PE Adjuncts (NYSDOT-Michael Washburn, C&S Engineers-Mark Arner, Shumaker Engineers-Curt Nichols, Retired NYSDOT-Joe Libritz) 11/13/2018
Faculty Lawrence Dunn, PE Mark Mattson, PE Jayne Baran, PE 20 years experience in structural field SUNY Poly – 19 years M.Eng. in Civil Engr., RPI, Troy Mark Mattson, PE 13 years experience in structural, construction administration field SUNY Poly – 1 year M.S. in Civil Engr., SUNY Buffalo Jayne Baran, PE 10 years experience in transportation field SUNY Poly – 20 years M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle Adjuncts (C&S Engineers, NYSDOT, Shumaker Engineering, Retired NYSDOT) 11/13/2018
Technology vs. Engineering Practical Hands-on Application of Current Technology Faculty with Industrial Experience Theoretical Analytical Development of New Technology Faculty with an academic background 11/13/2018
Expected Proficiencies Technical Expertise Teamwork and Communication Problem Solving Spreadsheets & Word Processing CAD (CAD test) Recommended prior to Capstone Design Good work / study habits Academic Integrity A Commitment to Excellence and Professionalism 11/13/2018
Schedule (handout) Two Important Tracks: Math (Precalculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, Upper-level Math) Structural (Physics I, Statics, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, Concrete Design, Steel Design, Capstone) 11/13/2018
Three Emphases (2 courses) Structural - Concrete Design - Steel Design Transportation - Transportation Analysis - Highway Design Construction - Construction Estimating and Scheduling - Construction Administration 11/13/2018
GENED requirements (7/10) Math Science Social Science American History Western Civilization (HIS 306 or 370) Other World Civilizations (HIS 306 or 370) Humanities Arts Foreign Language Basic Communication 11/13/2018
Succeeding Steer your future Come to class Complete all assignments Learning center 11/13/2018
Engineering Computers Labs (G143, 1159, Kunsella B102) have specialized software for engineering technologies but are only available when building is open Three engineering computers are located in the Kunsela public lab (across from University Police) 24 hours a day; 7 days a week. Two engineering computers are located in the library. The library is open Saturday 10 am-4 pm and Sunday from 1-9 pm. The library has a plotter. 11/13/2018
Miscellaneous Items Taking a course at another college Taking a course at MVCC Intern/coop If in doubt, check it out!!! 11/13/2018
Jobs State Governments Consultants Private firms 11/13/2018
Other Opportunities Clubs (ASCE, SWE) Contest (steel bridge) Minor (math, technical writing) Professional Licensing (FE/PE) Graduate School (GPA should be >3.0) 11/13/2018
Professional License The faculty encourage graduates to pursue professional licensure Eligible to take FE in NY after graduation (Agreement in place with State Education Department to apply the semester of graduation) Eligible to take PE after 6 years of experience 11/13/2018
Resources Faculty/Advisor/Chair Learning center E-mail (info services for username and password) Campus Center Other students 11/13/2018
Any Questions? 11/13/2018