Effective Facilitators Tania Karney CUR/532 Melinda Medina September 7, 2015
Effective Distant Learning Facilitator Post the rules of etiquette and behavior expectations at the start of class. Encourage students to introduce themselves and meet one another to form a learning community where they will feel safe to share and discuss. Develop discussion questions that allow the student to critically reflect on the material and synthesize it with their own experiences. Encourage students to participate early and often. Create their presence in the classroom but not interfere with the flow of the discussion. Intervene when the discussion is veering off in the wrong direction and help move the discussion back on track. Promote further thinking and reflection by posing more thoughtful and engaging questions within any given discussion. (Brookfield, S., Peskill, S. 2005).
Two important skills for an effective distance learning facilitator.
Classroom Management Classroom management is fostering an effective environment for learning. Classroom management is not about establishing authority.
Classroom Management is…. Establishing classroom expectations from the beginning Providing an environment that encourages learning Motivating learners to be exceptional Providing a safe environment for learning
Communication “Discussion is one of the most effective ways to make students aware of the range of interpretations that are possible in an area of intellectual inquiry.” (Brookfield, 2005, p. 22).
Communication The excellent online instructor is open, flexible, compassionate, responsive, and leads by example. The excellent online instructor understands the differences between face-to-face and online teaching and can effectively implement them into development and facilitation of online classes. The excellent online instructor is committed to this form of teaching and uses the online environment to his or her advantage in delivering an online class.
Training and Development Orientation Instructional Skills What you need to know to become an effective online facilitator Educational Leadership training How to facilitate online classes
Training and Development Honor experience! Apprentice training is for novices and apprentices, not experienced or master faculty who are changing institutions. Use best practices in online teaching in training approaches—model those practices so that faculty can incorporate them into their own courses seamlessly. Incorporate cycles of learn, do, reflect into training, allowing faculty to learn about a new skill, practice it, and then reflect on the results. (Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. 2011)
References: Brookfield, S., Peskill, S. (2005). Discussion as A Way of Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Burns, M. (2014). Top 5 Online Learning Skills That Online Instructors Should Have - eLearning Industry. eLearning Industry. Retrieved 7 September 2015, from http://elearningindustry.com/top-5-online- learning-skills-online-instructors Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2011). The excellent online instructor. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.