Chapter 6 Review
Development of BC Jeopardy
Gold Rush Crown Colonies Chinese Immigration CPR Vancouver Oregon Territory 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
Prior to 1846, the northern portion of the Oregon Territory was called? 100 New Caledonia
Prior to 1846, the southern portion of the Oregon Territory was called? 200 Columbia Region
The largest FUR TRADE from the BC coast was what? OT 300 Sea Otter
Spain, USA, Britain, Russia What 4 nations were after the Oregon Territory OT 400 Spain, USA, Britain, Russia
Treaty of 1846 established what? OT 500 British get north of 49th parallel USA get south of 49th parallel
Thompson and Fraser River Where was gold found in BC? Gold Rush 100 Thompson and Fraser River
What was the town called that was established in the Fraser Canyon? GR 200 Barkerville
Fort Victoria and New West Name two places in BC that miners had to stop off, before heading up the Fraser Canyon GR 300 Fort Victoria and New West
Governor Douglas built what in order to make sure gold left via the Fraser River GR 400 Cariboo Road
What did miners need in order to legally pan for gold? GR 500 A license
The first governor of Vancouver Island was Colonies 100 The first governor of Vancouver Island was James Douglas
What HBC fort was located on the mouth of the Columbia river Colonies 200 Fort Vancouver
Fort Vancouver was the original headquarters of the HBC Fort Vancouver was the original headquarters of the HBC. It was relocated after the Oregon Treaty of 1846. Where was the new headquarters? Colonies 300 Fort Victoria
Governor Douglas created more land for settlers in Vancouver Island, how did he go about doing this? Colonies 400 Negotiated treaties with aboriginal peoples- surrender land but retain fishing and hunting rights.
James Polk became president of the USA with a campaign slogan of… Colonies 500 54-40 or fight
How much was the original head tax? CI 100 $50
Why did John A Macdonald encourage Chinese immigration? 2 reasons CI 200 Needed men for CPR and cheap labour
What did the Chinese Immigration Act do from 1923-46 CI 300 Banned all Chinese immigration to Canada
Name 3 examples of discrimination the Chinese faced in Vancouver CI 400 No university, no access to public places, vandalism of businesses (race riots)
Yes, 2006, compensation payments for survivors of head tax or spouses. Did the Chinese receive acknowledgement for the way they were treated in Canada? CI 500 Yes, 2006, compensation payments for survivors of head tax or spouses.
Who was the “president” of the CPR? 100 William Van Horne
What was the biggest concern when planning the route of the CPR 200 How to get past the Rocky Mountains
Who held the dangerous jobs like blasting through the Rocky Mountains? CPR 300 The Chinese
True/False: The CPR was built entirely by hand 400 True
What year was the CPR complete, and where was the original terminus? 500 What year was the CPR complete, and where was the original terminus? 1885, Port Moody
Lonsdale was originally called? Vancouver 100 Moodyville
John “Gassy Jack” Deighton Vancouver 200 Who created Gastown? John “Gassy Jack” Deighton
Name the 4 host nations of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games 300 Squamish, Tsleil-waututh, Lil’wat, Musqueam
List 3 developments created by David Oppenheimer Vancouver 400 Street cars, water system from Cap River, fire hall, ferry
In 1989 Canada joined a trade cooperation. What is this called? Vancouver 500 In 1989 Canada joined a trade cooperation. What is this called? APEC- Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Liberals, Christy Clark, minority BC’s present day Provincial Government is run by what party, what leader, and what kind of government do we have as a result of the recent election? Final Jeopardy Liberals, Christy Clark, minority