Hepatic Portal Circulation Cerebral Circulation Pages 376-382 Special Circulation Hepatic Portal Circulation Cerebral Circulation Pages 376-382
Arterial Supply of: the Brain and the Circle of Willis CEREBRUM: Blood supply branches from internal carotid arteries Cerebral arteries BRAIN STEM AND CEREBELLUM: Vertebral arteries Basilar artery This system of arteries branches to form a circle which supplies the major brain structures © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Figure 11.15a Arterial supply of the brain. Anterior Cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) Frontal lobe Internal carotid artery Temporal lobe Basilar artery Pons Vertebral artery Occipital lobe Cerebellum (a) Posterior
Figure 11.15b Arterial supply of the brain.
Hepatic Portal Circulation- dual blood supply sends blood from certain organs (digestive, pancreas, spleen) for processing by the liver The hepatic portal vein is the transport vessel After nutrients are removed and stored, blood is returned to systemic circulation via the hepatic portal vein to the inferior vena cava veins are supplying the liver with blood for processing while arteries supply the liver with oxygen © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Figure 11.16 The basic scheme of the hepatic portal system. Arterial blood Venous blood Inferior vena cava Stomach and intestine Liver Nutrients and toxins absorbed Liver cells (hepatocytes) Nutrients and toxins leave Hepatic portal vein First capillary bed Second capillary bed (liver sinusoids) Hepatic vein Hepatic portal system
Figure 11.17 The hepatic portal circulation. Inferior vena cava (not part of hepatic portal system) Gastric veins Liver Spleen Stomach Hepatic portal vein Splenic vein Inferior mesenteric vein Superior mesenteric vein Small intestine Large intestine
Hepatic Portal Circulation Animation http://highered.mheducation.com/olcweb/ cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=swf::500::500::/sites/ dl/free/0073520713/462746/08_q14.swf:: View%20this%20animation%20before%20ans wering%20this%20question