Sedgefield Elementary Dress Code
In order to maintain an appropriate and healthy learning environment, we are enforcing the following dress code:
Shorts, skorts, skirts and shorts should be no shorter than the length of the student’s finger tips.
Spaghetti straps, tank tops and halter tops are not appropriate at school.
No undergarments visible for boys or girls No undergarments visible for boys or girls. Pants should be secured at the waist.
Student would need sneakers for PE Students need footwear that will allow them to participate in physical activities and move safely in the building. Good choices Student would need sneakers for PE
No Heelys or shoes with wheels
Low cut tops and bare midriffs are not appropriate for school.
Profanity, suggestive slogans/images and/or references to alcohol, drugs, tobacco products or violence on clothing are prohibited.
Consequences Student will be referred to the office and parent/guardian will be called. Parent/guardian will be asked to bring proper attire or student will wear something provided by the school.