Eurostat Progress on Farm Input Statistics: pesticides; fertilisers; GNB; water.
Pesticide data Sales data: Use data: 1992-2003 Country use data: global annual figures per category and country Voluntary basis Incomplete data set Use data: 1992-2003 Detailed figures by active substance and by crop Grant with the pesticide industry Usually underestimated Country use data: Very few countries available 12 pilot surveys 11-12 December 2008
Pesticides A Common methodology for data collection: recently updated and illustrated Available on Eurostat website 11-12 December 2008
Pesticides Regulation Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning statistics on plant protection products - COM(2006) 778 final Adoption by the Commission: 11 December 2006. Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee:11 July 2007. Opinion of the European Parliament, 1st reading:12 March 2008. Adoption of the common position by the Council: 20 November 2008. Transmission of the CP to EP for 2nd reading: January 2009. 11-12 December 2008
Pesticides Regulation Sales data: Annual Country level Quantity of active substances Agricultural + non agricultural uses Use data Every 5 years By crop at country level Agricultural uses only 11-12 December 2008
Pesticide Risk Indicators HAIR - HArmonised environmental indicators for pesticide Risk (2004-2007) Deliverables: ~50 indicators: terrestrial, aquatic, groundwater, consumers, workers. Integrated software Data bases: climate, soil, land-use, toxicity and eco-toxicity, pesticide use FOOTPRINT - Functional Tools for Pesticide Risk Assessment and Management (2006-2009) 3 Tools: FOOT-NES: risk assessment at large scale (EU and MS) FOOT-CRS : catchments to regional levels FOOT-FS : farm scale 11-12 December 2008
Pesticide Risk Indicators Arcadis 2008: Contract with Arcadis Belgium to test HAIR indicators Main conclusions: Most indicators are reliable Software requires further IT developments Data bases need to be consolidated Use data needed Further developments JRC: quick method to screen spacial distribution in soils and load to surface water Eurostat – DG ENV: further development of IT tools to integrate different risk approaches. 11-12 December 2008
Fertilizers 11-12 December 2008
Fertilizers 15 grants signed Nov.-Dec. 2007 Total foreseen contribution: 536,785 € Develop methodologies to collect data on: The total amount of N, P, K used per holding (linked to the FSS microdata) The average amount of N, P, K by main crops (broken down by region/ other zones/ soil types, etc.) 11-12 December 2008
Gross Nutrient Balances 11-12 December 2008
Gross Nutrient Balances Develop methodology Identify-improve Data/Coefficients Improve regional break-down Update GNB Belgium YES NUTS 3 1997-2005 Denmark Germany Estonia Hungary Malta Netherlands Sweden NUTS 2 United Kingdom 11-12 December 2008
Gross Nutrient Balances 8 TAPAS actions signed June – Sept. 2007 The total costs for the actions: 423,168 € Total foreseen contribution: 344,000 € Coordination meetings: Sept. 2007 - June 2008 Coefficient Library - Excel tables Available on the Circa – to be filled in Meta data needed Methodology revision? 11-12 December 2008
Improvement of AEI 11-12 December 2008
Gross Nutrient Balances and fodder crops Fodder Crops GNB Improve regional break-down Denmark YES Austria Finland Latvia Poland Norway 11-12 December 2008
Water for irrigation 11-12 December 2008
Water for irrigation 16 Grants signed June – August 2008: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Norway The total costs for the actions: 1.085.000 € Total foreseen contributions: 746,895.12 € First coordination meeting 23 Sept. 2008 2nd Coordination meeting 16 Feb. 2009 3d Coordination meeting 23 Sept. 2009 11-12 December 2008