Diversity and Inclusion 2010 YRBS – Centers for Disease Control CMS – 45% HS and 53% MS “strongly agree” that Bullying is a problem in school. Bullying takes many forms: rejection, exclusion, verbal ridicule, physical mockery, verbal & physical intimidation and violence. Students who are bullied are 4-8 times more likely to suffer from depression and suicide. Bullying occurs on school playgrounds every 7 seconds and every 25 min. in classrooms
Teasing VS Bullying Friendly tone of voice Encourages friendship Helps to lighten a situation No physical confrontation Accompanied by affectionate gestures or expressions Angry tone of voice Angry body language Continues even when distress is noticeable Upsets others Showing off in front of others.
Students who are Bullied…… Are less likely to attend school Lack focus on academic, intellectual and emotional development. More likely to drop out of school and not graduate. Commit to extreme acts of violence (i.e. Columbine HS)
Diversity What is Diversity? What types of differences do you see at School? How do we think differences affect how we see ourselves and others? How others see us? What is identity?
Diversity Differences in race, gender, class, country of origin, religion, political beliefs, ability, sexual orientation, family composition, economic status, personality traits, talents, size, appearance etc.