Introduction Stress has become a major concern of the modern times as it can cause harm to employees health and performance in life. In simple words , stress refers to pressures or tensions people feel in life . Stress is, therefore ,a natural and unavoidable feature of human life .
definition of stress According to SELYE stress is the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change. Stress can be positive or negative . - positive when the situation offers an opportunity for a person to gain something. -negative when a person faces social, physical, Organisational and emotional problems.
Types of stress Acute stress Episodic acute stress chronic stress
distress Eustress and distress eustress It is a positive stress and short term stress. Example-companies achievement and thrill experienced while watching a horror movie. eustress It is a negative stress and it can be short term and long term. Example- it occurs when feeling unsecure, helpless, pressure or tension. distress
Sources of stress 1. Organizational stress Task demands Role demands Inter- personal relationships at work Organizational leadership 2. Individual stress Career development Type A and B Personality Profiles Life change Life trauma
Consequences of stress 1. Consequences for the Individual Physical consequences Behavioural consequences Psychological consequences 2. Consequences for the organization Too much stress might lead to decline in performance of the individuals. There may be increased rates of absenteeism and labour turnover. Decision making might be delayed or even poor decision might be taken . It will effect the communication and human relations.
Management of stress 1.Coping strategies at the organizational level- Organizational role clarity Job redesign Stress reduction and stress management programmes Supportive organizational climate 2.Coping strategies by individuals Relaxation Time management Meditation Temporary stress reduction techniques
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