Expectation for Beginning of Day/Morning Areas Welcome Expectation for Beginning of Day/Morning Areas
Goals for Today: I can explain the expectations for the beginning of the day. I can explain the expectations for morning areas. Go back over the goals. Did you class reach the goals set for today.
Expectations for Beginning of Day and Morning Areas Planner Expectations for Beginning of Day and Morning Areas For 6th Grade Teachers ONLY: Since writing in the planner is a new routine, please walk around and make sure they wrote this down.
Designated Areas 6th and 7th graders will sit with their grade level and wait for school to begin in the gymnasium. 8th grade students will sit on the East side or stage side of the cafeteria. Students eating breakfast will sit on the gym side of the café.
Beginning of the Day Safety/Order Wipe your feet on rug Inside voices Walk on the right straight to designated area Wipe your feet on rug – We ask that you wipe your feet so that we don’t have dirt, water, or snow all over the floor. Inside Voices – Since we are in a school we would like a whisper to low voice so the hallways don’t get too loud. Walking on the right straight to designated area – We need to walk on the right so we don’t bump into anyone. We walk straight to the designated area (6th and 7th is in the gym and 8th grade is in the cafeteria) so we know where you are if we need to find you. We don’t stop at the bathroom or other grades area.
Beginning of the Day Achieve Arrive at 8:25 Bring your supplies Be ready to learn Arrive at 7:35 – We serve breakfast in the morning and getting here a little early will help you to get to class on time and not feeling rushed. Bring your supplies – You are coming to school and you will need your supplies, pencils, paper, homework, and planner. Be ready to learn – You are coming to school to learn and you need to be ready to do so.
Beginning of the Day Respect Greet others kindly Greet others kindly – The respectful thing to do is to say hello when you are greeted.
Matching Worksheet Work with your partner to figure out which expectation goes with which rule mark your thinking on a piece of paper. just do one paper per group of two or three). Student will then work for about 5 to 7 minutes to get the expectations in the correct order. Once the students finish they can write the expectations under the school Rules of S/O, A, R. Then you can go over as a class.
Beginning of Day Safety/Order Achievement Respect Arrive at 8:25. Walk on the right straight to designated area. Inside voices Greet others kindly Be ready to learn Wipe your feet on rug Bring your supplies (pencils, paper, homework, planner, binder, book).
Did you meet your goal of knowledge? Arrive at 8:25. Achievement Walk on the right straight to designated area. Safety/Order Inside voices Safety/Order Greet others kindly Respect Be ready to learn Achievement Wipe your feet on rug Safety/Order Bring your supplies (pencils, paper, homework, planner, binder, book). Achievement
Morning Areas Safety/Order Choose your seat and remain seated. Ask for permission to leave area. Clean up around you. Choose your seat and remain seated. – Once you arrive find a seat where you will be comfortable sitting and you can talk with your friends. Please stay there so you don’t fall or trip and get hurt. Ask for permission to leave area – If you need to go anywhere ask permission from the adults in charge. Sometimes the person you are looking for may not be in yet. Clean up around you. – If there is trash around you please pick it up and throw it in the trash. We are all responsible in keeping the school clean.
Morning Areas Achievement Be ready to learn Bring supplies – Binder Paper Pencil Planner or Planner Card Be ready to learn – You are in school for a reason, to learn. Please be ready by getting your conversation with your friends done before school or to a stopping place where you can continue them during lunch. Bring supplies – When you come into school make sure you have all your supplies. If you need to borrow a supply try to do it from a friend around you during this time.
Morning Areas Respect Before you leave remove hats and hoods. Follow directions. Be considerate of those around you. Before you leave remove hats and hoods. – Once you leave please take your hoods or hats off. This will help adults identify you and it is a sign of respect. Follow directions – When you are in your morning area follow directions the first time. When you follow the directions the first time you will show your respect to the adult as well as make the situation move smoothly.
Matching Worksheet Work with your partner to figure out which expectation goes with which rule mark your thinking on a piece of paper. just do one paper per group of two or three). Student will then work for about 5 to 7 minutes to get the expectations in the correct order. Once the students finish they can write the expectations under the school Rules of S/O, A, R. Then you can go over as a class.
Morning Areas Safety/Oder Achievement Respect Bring supplies Be considerate of those around you Clean up around you Choose your seat and remain seated Before you leave remove your hat or hoods Be ready to learn Ask for permission to leave area Follow directions
Did you meet your goal of knowledge? Bring supplies Achievement Be considerate of those around you Respect Clean up around you Safety/Order Choose your seat and remain seated Safety/Order Before you leave remove your hat or hoods Respect Be ready to learn Achievement Ask for permission to leave area Safety/Order Follow directions Respect