Welcome Parents and Students! 4th Grade Welcome Parents and Students!
Welcome to 4th Grade! Your 4th Grade Teacher’s are: Mrs. Daniel- Language Arts Mrs. Dalton-Reading/Spelling Mrs. Arnwine-Math Ms. Boggs- Science/Social Studies
Language Arts Sentence Structure Parts of Speech Usage Grammar Mechanics Here are a few things that you are going to learn this year in Language Arts
Reading/Spelling Characters, setting, and plot Similes and Metaphors Poems Drama Fiction Nonfiction A few things that we are going to learn this year!
Math A few things we are going to learn in Math this year! Multiplication Facts Place Value Fractions Divisions Measurement Geometry A few things we are going to learn in Math this year!
Science/Social Studies Ecology Matter Earth and Space Structure and Function of Organisms Native American Culture Economics Barter Vs Money Supply and Demand Bill of Rights Branches of Government
Changing Classes In 4th grade your child will be changing classes. They will have a homeroom teacher. They will be with their homeroom teacher 1st thing in the mornings, around lunch time, and at the end of the day. We will divide the students up into 4 groups. They will have Mrs. Dalton for reading and spelling, Mrs. Arnwine for math, Mrs. Daniel for language arts, and Ms. Boggs for science and social studies.
Goals To give you the academic tools you need to progress to 4th grade. To provide a supportive learning environment. To have fun while we learn. To make new friends and discover new interests.
As Teachers, we value the following: Respect-“We believe that everyone should be treated with courtesy and fairness.” The class is a place where all students are valued. Students will treat themselves, peers, staff, and visitors with respect and follow behavior expectations.
Responsibility Students are responsible for having material ready for class, completing all assignments, and maintaining appropriate behavior that supports learning. Parents are responsible for providing a home environment that supports their child’s learning and encourages on-time, full day student attendance. The teacher is responsible for effective teaching of educational standards, maintaining a classroom that promotes learning, seeking ongoing professional development, and being a positive leader. “We believe that students, parents, and teachers are accountable for teaching and learning.”
Partnership The class is a living organization consisting of students, parents, teachers, and the community. The community must support the class and help prepare its future leaders and citizens. The teacher must support the community by providing an educated workforce and teaching civic responsibility. Teachers, parents, and students must all support each other to provide the best education possible. “We believe that students, parents, teachers, and the community must share and work together towards our educational goals.”
Communication “We believe that students, parents, and teachers must have effective, prompt, and open communication of our joint interest in teaching and learning.” Students should participate in the classroom and give the teacher feedback for understanding, or a lack of understanding, of classroom instruction. Parents should contact the teacher with any concerns they have relating to their child’s education and reply to any communication from the teacher. The teacher should contact parents with any concerns they have relating to students’ education and reply to any communication from the parent.
Ways of Communication Mrs. Arnwine-Uses a Planner Mrs. Daniel- Uses a Planner Mrs. Dalton- Newsletter Ms. Boggs- Planner
4th Grade Discipline Plan We have a discipline plan called the clipboard system. We have twelve rules and if any of them are broken they will get on the clipboard. They will receive one verbal warning. After the warning then they will go on the clipboard if the behavior continues.
Consequences 1st time (after verbal) they lose 10 minutes of recess 2nd time lose 15 minutes of recess 3rd time they will receive an X and will lose all of their recess. 4th time is an office referral If they don’t get an “X” for the day they will receive a buccaneer buck.
Clipboard Rules Follow directions the first time they are given Be prepared for class-have paper, pencil, planner, and homework/assignments completed Raise your hand to get permission to speak out Raise your hand to get permission to get out of your seat-always have your feet in front Come into the room at all times in a quiet manner Keep your hand and feet to yourself Use appropriate language at all times Always treat others as you want to be treated No running or excessive noise in the halls/classroom/restrooms/etc Inappropriate behavior Be neat and keep work space tidy Disrespect
Rewards We have rewards every 3 weeks for the bucks. 1st three weeks is a 30 minute reward, 2nd 3 weeks is 1 hour reward and the last 3 weeks is 1 1/2 hour reward. This happens every nine weeks. They will have to have enough bucks to be able to attend these rewards!
Tardiness The student is to be at school by 8:15. If they arrive after this time, they have to check in to the office and they will not receive a buck for the day. After three tardies they will not be able to attend the three week reward.
Leaving Early If your child leaves before 2:45 they will be counted tardy. They will lose their buck for the day. After three times they will not be able to attend the three week reward.
Let’s Have a Great Year!