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Cells Unicellular Organisms – one cell Example: Bacteria, some Protists Multicellular Organisms – more than one cell Example: All animals and plants. These organisms are arranged in levels of organization:

Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons Organisms Organ systems Organs Tissues Cells Organelles Molecules Atoms Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons Alive Not Alive

Characteristics of living organisms and the Cell Theory Cell Theory states: All living things are made of cells Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms. All cells come from pre-existing cells. Make it simple: all organisms must metabolize energy, reproduce, grow, move, respond, and generally have complex organization.

Prokaryotic Cells Simple cellular organization with no nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles. Example: Bacteria Diseases caused by bacteria: Cholera, diphtheria, Dysentery, Tetanus, MRSA, Strep Throat, Tooth Decay.

Eukaryotic Cells Domain: Eukarya Found in 4 kingdoms Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia (Cell Shown)

Eukaryotic – Animal Cells

Eukaryotic- Plant Cells

Review organelles and fuction Remind S mitochondria is popular on TAKS Controls the movement of materials in and out of the cell, thereby maintaining “homeostatis” makes proteins packages proteins provides energy : site of cellular respiration, conversion of food energy into usable energy (ATP) Transport system Breaks down old cell parts Review organelles and fuction Remind S mitochondria is popular on TAKS

Organelles Cell Membrane Encloses cell and controls what enters and leaves the cell Cytoplasm Surrounds organelles; transports some materials Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Transports, and stores some substances, throughout the cell Ribosome Builds proteins; (protein synthesis) Lysosome Breaks down nutrients and foreign substances Nucleus Control center; regulates metabolic activities. Mitochondria Powerhouse of cell; cellular respiration

Chromosomes Genetic material. The DNA with proteins form chromosomes. Nuclear Membrane Encloses nucleus and controls what enters and leaves the nucleus Nucleolus Contains RNA; sends mRNA to ribosome with protein blueprints Golgi apparatus Secretes and stores secretions for transport out of the cell Chloroplast Manufactures food in green plants; photosynthesis Cell wall Protective outside barrier of plant cells Centrosomes Aids in mitosis in animal cells Vacuole Stores food, water, wastes and building

Which Cell Type is Larger? _________ > _____________ > ___________ Plant cell Animal cell bacteria copyright cmassengale

What is unique to: Animal Cells: Plant Cells: Chloroplast – site of photosynthesis Cell Wall – formed of proteins and cellulose and lies outside of the plasma membrane Vacuole – huge storage compartment for water and starch Animal Cells: Lysosomes – contain digestive enzymes. Centrioles – used in cellular division.

Back side of page 5 DNA- Replication Transcription Translation Overview Structure- Double helix made of repeating nucleotides

Structure and Function DNA and RNA Structure and Function

This is what your TAKS questions are based on. Read only. 6 The student knows the structures and functions of nucleic acids in the mechanisms of genetics. The student is expected to: (A)  describe components of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and illustrate how information for specifying the traits of an organism is carried in the DNA; (B)  explain replication, transcription, and translation using models of DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA);

Focus Question: Copy and answer in your booklet. How does the structure of DNA allow for genetic information to be passed from one generation to the next? [hint: describe DNA base pairs, DNA replication, and how proteins are made]

Overview: copy Proteins are the biological workers that make everything happen in your body. Proteins control your metabolism, growth rate, heart beat, skin color, hair color, eye color… etc. Proteins are made by ribosomes in your cells. Ribosomes use the information copied from your DNA to make each protein. Your DNA’s sequence of bases (nucleotides) is specific for each protein. Changes in DNA sequence changes the protein made. Each cell in your body has an exact copy of all your DNA.

DNA Structure: Draw and label Double Helix Nucleotide: this is the basic unit of DNA Adenine = Thymine Cytosine = Guanine

DNA Replication Each new cell needs exact copy of your DNA, so DNA replicates. STEPS: Old DNA molecules uncoils- becomes loose and long called chromatin. 2. Old DNA unzips – hydrogen between bases break up 3. New nuleotides are added to pair with old strand.

Practice DNA Replication ___ T – A ___ ___ A – T ___ ___ C – G ___ ___ G – C ___ ___ T - A __ new old old new This is a segment of DNA that is already uncoiled and loose. Break (erase lines) hydrogen bonds between bases of old strands. Write the complimentary DNA nucleotide to the side of each old strand to make two new strands. What is the result of DNA replication?

Making Proteins: 2 steps draw and label 1 Transcription – mRNA copies information from DNA Translation – ribosomes reads codons on mRNA and tRNA adds correct amino acids. 3 RNA bases on mRNA = 1 codon 1 codon = 1 amino acid Chain of amino acids = protein also called polypeptide

Practice Making Proteins DNA 1 – TAC GGC TTA mRNA 1 - Amino acids – DNA 2 – ATT TAG GGT mRNA 2 - Amino acids - Write down the DNA sequences above. Transcribe: write the complementary RNA nucleotides to the DNA from above using (A,U,C,G). This is your mRNA. Translate: use the chart in the next slide to place the correct amino acid for each codon.

DNA 1 – TAC GGC TTA mRNA 1 - AUG CCG AAU Amino acids – start proline asp DNA 2 – ATT TAG GGT mRNA 2 - Amino acids - Use mRNA codon (3 bases) to find the amino acid. Each codon codes for 1 amino acid Chain of amino acids is your protein. What will happen to protein if mutation occurred to DNA?

TAKS Question Practice: number 1-6, answer only 1. In all plant and animal cells, the nucleus contains long molecules of DNA. Which of the following best describes the function of DNA? F DNA provides the shape and structure of the nucleus. G DNA packages materials for transport through the nucleus. H DNA carries materials into and out of the nucleus. J DNA contains the blueprint for producing the whole organism.

2. Erwin Chargaff studied the DNA of organisms within a single species 2. Erwin Chargaff studied the DNA of organisms within a single species. Chargaff discovered that the amount of adenine is about equal to the amount of thymine. Which of these explains why the ratio of adenine to thymine is nearly 1:1? A Adenine and thymine pair with each other. B Adenine binds with phosphates, while thymine binds with nitrates. C Adenine and thymine are identical in chemical composition. D Adenine bases contain a form of thymine.

3 If a cat has 38 chromosomes in each of its body cells, how many chromosomes will be in each daughter cell after mitosis? F 11 G 19 H 38 J 76

4 DNA passes information to RNA during the process of — F transcription G active transport H regeneration J osmosis

5 Which of the following must occur before DNA replication can take place? A Translation of DNA into amino acids B Separation of the DNA molecule into codons C Transformation of DNA into RNA D Separation of the DNA double helix

The diagram above show how an mRNA molecule is synthesized The diagram above show how an mRNA molecule is synthesized. What would be the most likely result if a bacterial infection stopped the production of the RNA polymerase? F A protein could not be manufactured. G A lysosome would digest the cell. H Osmosis would not occur in the cell. J Dehydration could be prevented in the cytoplasm.

Check your answers J A H F D