By: Sheyanne Piotto and Prendi Bobo Mental awareness day By: Sheyanne Piotto and Prendi Bobo
The issue Who does this issue involve and affect? Students, staff, Where is this occurring? 16.27% of teens commit suicide between 2:00am and 3:00am, and 2.13% of teens commit suicide between 6:00am and 12:00am, each year. By the time teens are 14 years old, 1 in 11 have suffered from some form of depression
The issue Why is it worth solving? 1 in every 33 children are affected by depression and 1 in every 8 teens are affected by depression. If there are 1200 students at GRCI, and 1 in 8 are affected by depression, 150 students are currently suffering 1 in 6 have considered suicide, 1 in 12 have attempted. if there are 1200 students at GRCI, 200 students have considered suicide, and 100 have attempted. If we can spread awareness for a whole week, it might clue in to some students that mental health disorders are more common, and are important more than we think.
Depression 1 in 4 young adults will suffer from depression before the age of 24 Women are two times as likely to suffer from depression than men Depression is one of the most common mental disorders, globally, more than 350 million people around the world suffer from depression
Anxiety Different forms of anxiety include, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorder It is proven that women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders than men In Canada 27% people say that anxiety has affected their life by a large amount
Schizophrenia Mostly happens at ages 18-25 in men and 25-35 in women More likely to get schizophrenia if a family member has had it 20-40% of people who have schizophrenia, had attempted to commit suicide and 5% who have completed suicide
Bipolar Bipolar disorder is brain disorder which can cause a lot of suffering Children as young as 6 can be vulnerable to get a bipolar disorder, and more likely to receive it if there parents have had it Most people who have a bipolar disorder are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
Suicide About 4,000 canadians die every year by committing suicide, about 10 suicides per day Every death caused by suicide, there are as many as 100 suicide attempt Canadians are 7 times more likely to die from suicide than to be a victim of homicide
The Details Where will the event take place School When will the event take place January 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th and June 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th ,10th
The Implementation plan Monday Jan. 4th: Depression, Linda Larsen comes in, wear grey Tuesday Jan. 5th: Anxiety, Emma Dines-yoga, wear red Wednesday Jan. 6th: Schizophrenia, grade 11 drama class, wear blue Thursday Jan. 7th: Bipolar, there will be a bake sale, wear green Friday Jan. 8th: Suicide, Mark Henick comes in, wear purple/blue
Schedule: Monday: all classes lose 5 minutes Period A: 7:40: Start set-up 8:20-9:20 Linda Larsen would come in for the first floor 9:25-10:25 would be for the second floor 10:25: start clean-up, Lunch starts. Tuesday: all classes lose 5 minutes Period A: 8:20 - 9:20 8:00: Start set-up Period B: 9:25-10:25 Emma Dines would come in and do yoga for people that are at the assembly who have anxiety, because yoga helps you relax. 10:30-11:30 would be the second floor 11:30: start clean-up, Lunch starts
Schedule: Wednesday: all classes lose 5 minutes Period A: 8:20-9:20 Period B: 9:25-10:25 LUNCH: 10:25-11:25 Period C: 11:25-12:20 The grade 11 drama class will perform an act that demonstrates how it feels to have schizophrenia 12:20-1:20 would be the second floor 1:25-2:25: start clean-up, period D starts
Schedule: Thursday: all classes are normal 10:30: start set-up From the beginning of lunch (10:50) to the end of lunch (11:50), baked goods such as cookies, cupcakes, muffins etc., will be sold in the tuck shop for $2 11:50: start clean-up Friday: all classes lose 5 minutes Period A: 8:20-9:20 Period B: 9:25-10:25 LUNCH: 10:25-11:25 Period C: 11:25-12:25 Period D: 12:30-1:25 Mark Henick would come in to talk about suicide and give information how to deal with someone suffering from suicidal thoughts, and where you can get help if you’re suicidal. 1:25-2:25 would be the second floor. 2:25: start clean-up, end of the day.