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Presentation transcript:


Academic Contracts are DUE NOW – turn them in to Mrs. Dyke’s desk Warm-Up Academic Contracts are DUE NOW – turn them in to Mrs. Dyke’s desk “The bad news is, time flies. The good news is, you’re the pilot.” Write 2-3 sentences reflecting on this quote and what it means to you.

Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Monday Nov 13, 2017 WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due FRIDAY– Binder check DUE with mentor signature - notes from 11/6-11/17 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Time management assessment Start Cornell Notes on Habit 3 Essential Question: How can I do a better job of managing how I spend my time? Objective: I will reflect and evaluate on my own time management skills.

Habit #3 Put First Things First

How well do you manage your time?

Time Quadrants

Have You Ever Heard… there’s not enough time in the day? It should be restated, “There’s not enough organized time in the day.”

Ways to Avoid Procrastination Set realistic goals Just start Do school work when your energy level is at its highest Break large tasks into smaller ones Work for realistic periods of time Avoid study marathons (like all-nighters) Create an effective place to do your school work Allow extra time for unexpected things Schedule time for yourself Do the most difficult tasks first (eat your veggies before dessert) Reward yourself when you have finished tasks on time.

What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Over a third of teens hold part-time jobs, working about 2 ½ hours day The average American teen spends almost 3 ½ hours a day watching television. (American Psychological Association, 1993)

(Pew Internet & American Life Project 2005) What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Teens spend about 1 ½ hours a day with friends doing social activities outside of school. Teens spend about 1 hour a day talking to friends via technology like the telephone, email, IM or text messaging. (Pew Internet & American Life Project 2005)

(Jack Myers Media Business Report, 2007) What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Male teens spend about 2 hours a day playing video games. Females spend about 30 minutes a day playing video games. (Jack Myers Media Business Report, 2007)

What Do Teens Spend Their Time Doing? Nearly three-quarters of teens spend 2-3 hours or more per day listening to or downloading music.

Do the Math Work 2.5 hours per day T.V. 3.5 hours per day Social Activities 1.5 hours per day Talking 1 hour per day Video Games 2 hours per day (boys) Music 2 + hours per day In School 7 + hours Homework 1 + hours Sleep + 7 hours _____________________ 27.5 hours per day

How is Your Day Like a Suitcase? You can’t fit everything into an unorganized suitcase You can fit everything into an organized suitcase

How is Your Day Like a Closet? You can’t find important things in an unorganized closet You can find important things in an organized closet

Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks…

Sand fills in the cracks. Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand…. Sand fills in the cracks.

Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand, and Water Water fills what's left.

Rocks represent “things that have to be done.” = School = Job = Chores = Sleep = Eating

Sand represents “enjoyable activities” that fill our time. = Texting = Social Activities = T.V.

Water represents time that is wasted. = Driving = Waiting in line = Daydreaming

What do YOU fill your jar with first?

Reading with Cornell Notes Get out a blank piece of paper and set it up for Cornell Notes EQ: How do I put first things first? Read about time management on pages 106-127 in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey.


Warm-Up What are the rocks in YOUR jar? – the important things you MUST do Every day? What makes up the sand in YOUR jar? – the extra stuff that you like to do each day? What makes up the water in YOUR jar? – what are you doing that is wasting time?

Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks…

Sand fills in the cracks. Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand…. Sand fills in the cracks.

Your Day is Like a Jar Full of Rocks, Sand, and Water Water fills what's left.

Rocks represent “things that have to be done.” = School = Job = Chores = Sleep = Eating

Sand represents “enjoyable activities” that fill our time. = Texting = Social Activities = T.V.

Water represents time that is wasted. = Driving = Waiting in line = Daydreaming

What do YOU fill your jar with first?

Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Tuesday Nov 14, 2017 WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due FRIDAY– Binder check DUE with mentor signature - notes from 11/6-11/17 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Finish Cornell Notes from Habit 3: Put first things first Essential Question: How can I make sure I put “First things first”? Learning Target: I will make sure I am spending my time in the right quadrants.

Cornell Notes Questions – Write a minimum of 5 questions that could be answered by reading your notes Summary – Write a minimum of FOUR sentences that answer the essential question

Wednesday/ Thursday

Warm-Up Where do you spend most of your time? Explain and give an example.

Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: WED/THU - Tutorial Forms due FRIDAY– Binder check DUE with mentor signature - notes from 11/6-11/17 FRIDAY – Prioritize Your Day handout DUE Wed/Thu Nov 15/16, 2017 Today’s Agenda: Warm-up Tutorial groups Pass back graded papers Prioritize Your Day handout – DUE MONDAY Essential Question: How can I use collaborative inquiry to be more successful in my classes? Objective: I will actively participate in a tutorial.

Tutorial Reminders Tutor Scripts If you did not get to present last week, you go first today!! Notes – Write the name of the person presenting on your paper as you are copying down their notes Off-task or on your phone without permission – points off for collaborative inquiry When your group is done: No moving No talking to other groups Work on homework or organize your binder/backpack

Graded papers Binder Portfolio Recycle Warm-ups # 21 – Tutorials from 11/8-9 #22 – Cornell Notes from Habit 3 Recycle Warm-ups Cornell Notes from Dr. Murphy’s lesson

Prioritizing your Day – On your Own

Prioritize Your Day Worksheet Make sure each time segment is labeled Use colored pencils to color your segments different colors – not markers!!! Answer the reflection questions on the back Turn it in to the basket on the front table or it must be done as HOMEWORK


Warm-Up What area of your life do you struggle the most with comparisons? (comparing yourself to others) It could be clothes, appearance, friends, talents, sports, grades, etc. Why do you think you struggle? Explain. If you didn’t finish yesterday, turn in your Prioritize Your Day Worksheet to the class basket

Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: Warm-up Read Habit 4: Think Win-win complete the chapter review Friday Nov 17, 2017 TODAY– Binder check DUE with mentor signature - notes from 11/6-11/17 TODAY – Prioritize Your Day handout DUE Today’s Agenda: Essential Question: What are the advantages of “Thinking Win-win”? Objective: I will learn to use the “think win-win” strategy to get along with other people.

Habit #4 Think Win-Win

Win-Lose Is competitive “I win, you lose!” Is comparative “as long as I’m better than you…”


Lose-Win You lose, others win (you’re a doormat) Appears that you are “the nice guy” Lose-Win is okay for insignificant things Examples: Who sits in the front of the car Who goes first Which drawers you put your clothes in

Lose - Win

Lose-Lose I lose, you lose “If I’m going down, then you’re going down with me.”

Win - Win Everyone wins! There is plenty of success to go around A win-win attitude adds to relationship bank accounts

Compromise You both get most of what you want Everyone gives up something

Competition Competition is healthy when you compete against yourself, or when it challenges you to become your best.

Comparing Comparing is unhealthy We are all on different developmental time tables We all have our own strengths Your strengths may be different from your friend’s

Unhealthy Comparisons (Women) Seventy-five percent (75%) of "normal" weight women think they are overweight The average dress size of American women is between 12 and 14 Today’s fashion models weigh 23% less than the average female A young woman between the ages of 18-34 has a 7% chance of being as slim as a catwalk model and a 1% chance of being as thin as a supermodel.

Unhealthy Comparisons (Men) Boys ages 9 to 14 who thought they were overweight were 65% more likely to think about or try smoking than their peers Boys who worked out every day in order to lose weight were twice as likely to experiment with tobacco.

Special Teen Report (USA WEEKEND) Just 3 in 10 are very satisfied with their looks. Only 15 percent like themselves "the way I am." Half of boys say they want to bulk or tone up, while half of girls want to lose weight. Non-white adolescents tend to feel better about themselves physically than whites, something experts say reflects a different set of values. Asked how satisfied they are with their looks, almost 4 in 10 minority teens answer "very," compared with 3 in 10 whites.

Chapter Review with your 6:00 partner Grab a copy of the text and find a place to sit in the room You will complete the chapter review TOGETHER AS A TEAM, but you will both turn in your own copy for points Be sure to write down COMPLETE, thoughtful answers. I will not give points for short, incomplete responses Make sure your names are on it and turn it in to the class basket