Road Map to Success: The Age of Enlightenment World History II


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Presentation transcript:

Road Map to Success: The Age of Enlightenment World History II The influence of the Scientific Revolution soon spread beyond the world of science. Philosophers admired Newton because he had used REASON to explain the laws governing nature. People now began to look for laws governing human behavior as well. They hoped to apply REASON and the scientific method to all aspects of society including government, religion, economics, and education. In this way, the ideas of the Scientific Revolution paved the way for a new movement called the ENLIGHTENMENT, or Age of Reason. This movement reached its height in the mid 1700’s. Thomas Hobbes John Locke You will master the following learning standards:   WHI.34 Describe the concept of Enlightenment in European History and describe the accomplishments of major Enlightenment thinkers WHI.35 Explain how the Enlightenment contributed to the growth of democratic principles of government. WHII.2 Explain why England was the main exception to the growth of absolutism in royal power in Europe.

How do people gain and use knowledge about their world?   EQs Should the government control the people or should the people control the government? How do people gain and use knowledge about their world? Skill # Skill I CAN… Activities Depth of Understanding 4 – Advanced 3 – Proficient 2 – Needs Improvement 1 - Failing How do I get to a 4? 1 Define the Enlightenment. 2 Identify and explain the importance and accomplishments of the Enlightenment philosophers: Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot, Voltaire, Wollstonecraft, Kant, Smith, etc... 3 Describe how Enlightenment ideas spread. 4 Describe the impact of the enlightened despots. 5 Explain how enlightenment thinking affected political, social and economic change.