Machiavelli—The Prince Best government is absolute monarchy to curb the corruptness of human beings A ruler should be feared The ends justify the means.
Thomas Hobbes--Leviathan “Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Believed people need to be controlled or they will hurt each other. Believed best government is absolute monarchy If government doesn’t protect people, they have a right to change it.
John Locke—Two Treatises on Government Believed in natural laws—all people are equal and independent “No one ought to harm another in life, health, liberty, or possessions. Believed in majority rule Believed government must represent the people Believed in limited gov’t—only laws necessary for the good of the people
Jean-Jacques Rousseau—The Social Contract “People are born free, yet everywhere are in chains. Believed everyone is born perfect, but is corrupted by society. To attain true freedom, people must give up individual rights to the community—social contract Believed in popular sovereignty—a ruler’s power comes from the people—and democratic society
Voltaire—Candide, Philosophical Letters “I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Supported freedom of religion and freedom of speech Agreed all men are created equal
Montesquieu—The Spirit of the Laws Tried to describe the perfect government Believed in government structured with checks and balances 3 Branches of government/Separation of powers
Mary Wollstonecraft—A Vindication on the Rights of Woman “[Women’s] strength of body and mind are sacrificed to notions of beauty, to the desire of establishing themselves—the only way women can rise in the world—by marriage.” Women need education to become virtuous and useful (like men) Urged women to enter fields of medicine and politics
Diderot--Encyclopedia Criticized church, government, slave trade, torture, taxes, and war Collected and edited articles on nearly all topics—information based on evidence and reason