Do Now I. What are sepoys? II. List a few of the raw materials India supplied to the British East Indian Trading Company III. How did the British demonstrate that they did not understand the culture of their imperialized territories?
Business Tonight’s homework: Study for Imperialism quiz Today: Notebook Check China notetaking Edpuzzle Review Study Island Review
Notebook Check Open the SS section of your binder to show the following: Do Now Vocab Imperialism in Africa C-notes Empire Gallery Walk Sheet I will need to be able to flip through these items in the RINGS of your binder As I come around to grade, be completing your India and China notes using the “Imperialism in China” presentation found on my JCMS page There are additional activities on the presentation once your notes are completed
Imperialism in China
China Responds to Pressure from the West : At first, China excluded foreigners in an effort to preserve traditional beliefs. Economic pressure forces China to open to foreign trade
China Resists Foreign Influence: China is self-sufficient with a favorable balance of trade Don’t want or need British goods British are determined to find something the Chinese will buy British smuggle opium into China Addictive narcotic drug Up to 12 million Chinese become addicted
China Resists Foreign Influence Continued: Opium Wars British refuse to stop trading opium Open clashes between British and Chinese result British steamships and cannons overpower the Chinese Treaty of Nanjing is signed - British get Hong Kong
Internal Problems Increase: Large population – food shortages Corrupt Government Taiping Rebellion sought to correct this Efforts to modernize have mixed success
Other Nations Step In: China’s weaknesses were noticed by the world China was repeatedly attacked Peace treaties gave foreigners increasing control “Spheres of Influence” were created Regions in which foreign nations controlled trade Open Door Policy allows all nations to trade with China China is not colonized, but is still controlled
Chinese Nationalism Grows: Boxer Rebellion (1900) Chinese resented special privileges granted to foreigners Rebelling against foreign influence An international army of Europeans, Japanese, and Americans put down the revolt. Though unsuccessful, it led to increased nationalism China would remain at the mercy of outside interests until after World War II.
Go to If you have not yet joined my class, go to the following link: Complete the assignment titled: China Imperialism Direct link: f71d93ee/watch
When done with notes and Edpuzzle Go to Study Island Access Social Studies Assignments Complete Imperialism 3.7 I would recommend looking at the lesson FIRST