Geography Vocabulary
Region A specific area where the lay of the land and the habits of the people are much the same.
Climate A characteristic of a region used to describe its long-term atmospheric conditions
Gulf Stream The ocean current that runs northward along the North Carolina coast; it carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico across the Atlantic Ocean.
Mountain Region A North Carolina region that has rocky soil, the Appalachian Mountain Range, Blue Ridge Mountains, Smoky Mountains and its main economy dependent on tourism and the Christmas tree industry .
Piedmont Region A North Carolina region that has clay soil, pine tree forests, hilly land, the fall line, and its main economy dependent on technology, banking, and education.
Coastal Plain Region A North Carolina region that has flat fertile soil, sandhills, and its main economy dependent on military bases, golfing, and agriculture.
Tidewater Region A North Carolina region that has sandy soil, barrier islands, sounds, and its main economy is dependent on tourism and fishing.
Sandhills Rolling sand ridges where little grows and divides the piedmont from the coastal plain.
Sound An inland body of mixed water.