Discussion #29 – Images II Image Processing CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Discussion #29 – Images II Increasing Contrast y f(x) y f(x) x x CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
How Contrast Functions Work Index into the Input Array of brightness (index = brightness) Get the corresponding brightness value from the Output Array What does this function do? Brightness CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Discussion #29 – Images II Increase Brightness CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Discussion #29 – Images II Decrease Brightness CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Histogram Thresholding thresholding creates a binary image by converting pixels according to a threshold value CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Discussion #29 – Images II Histogram Stretching CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Histogram Stretching Algorithm Find darkest pixel = D Find lightest pixel = L Let max possible pixel value = M Then the new value for every pixel in the image is: New pixel value = x M (Old pixel value – D) (L – D) CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II
Discussion #29 – Images II Inversions CS 100 Discussion #29 – Images II