Welcome to English 10! Ms. Bannerman Mrs. Raymond
Individual Materials: You will need these with you every day. pens red pen #2 pencils notebook paper ENG 9 binder Agenda Flash drive Computer/ Internet Access Notecards + Zippy Pouch
Class Materials: Please bring one or more of these items for classroom use. *The class that accumulates the most points will receive a special reward! 1-point items: Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils 2-point items: Post-its, highlighters, dry erase markers, Band-Aids 3-point items: Ream of Paper, Kleenex, white board cleaner, clorox wipes
Classroom Policies Electronics Mutual Respect Late Work Policy Use responsibly and only as directed Mutual Respect No derogatory comments will be tolerated Late Work Policy Each assignment has a due date and a deadline. Students will turn in assignments on or before the due date for full credit. The deadline, the point after which work will not be accepted, will be by the end of the unit. Students may turn in work between the due date and the deadline for up to 70% of the credit (30% off)
Classroom Policies Grades Summative Assessments- 80% Tests/Projects- 30% Essays- 30% Quizzes- 20% Formative Assessments- 20% Homework, Classwork, Participation Extra Credit No extra credit work will be assigned to make up for poor effort or missed assignments. Periodically, there will be optional assignments which students can complete to improve their skills in specific areas.
Classroom Rules The Teachers are the center of attention. If it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Mind your own business. Do your best work. Don’t Panic. *We will follow all school policies regarding dress code, attendance, make up work, tardies, etc.
Classroom Policies Food and Drink: You may have drinks with lids. No food allowed; this is a communal area and we need to keep it clean. Electronic Devices: You will be informed of appropriate times to use them. Otherwise, they should be turned off and put away.
Classroom Policies Respect: Many of our discussions will be based on your personal opinions. Therefore, English class is a place where you should feel comfortable expressing your opinions. Any derogatory, profane, demeaning, or prejudicial comments WILL NOT be tolerated. Every opinion (even if it is different than your own) is valuable and will be treated as such.
Classroom Policies Listening An important part of classroom discussions is good listening. If someone else is talking (including us) you should be listening carefully. Interruptions are not acceptable.
Classroom Policies Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable, and will result in a zero on the assignment or test. Plagiarism is considered copying and pasting from the internet/other sources, copying from other students, or submitting any work that is not 100% your own. If you use outside sources, you must cite (give credit) to those sources, and it must only add to what you have already done yourself.
Teacher Availability Mrs. Raymond and Ms. Bannerman will be available for tutoring or homework help after school on Tuesdays. Please sign up on the window if you are planning to come. Email is the most expedient way to get a hold of us. We have two websites, but they are in limbo right now.
Make Up Work If you are absent, you have 1 day for each day you were gone to get and complete your assignments. YOU are responsible for this. You may find missing assignments and due dates: On the website In the make-up folders
100 Priority Points You will receive 100 Priority Points at the beginning of each quarter. You lose 10 points for (including but not limited to): Each Tardy Bathroom Passes Unauthorized Use of Electronics