Warm Up ___________ is the input, storage and retrieval of information learned or experienced. Order of memory process… _____ Retrieval _____Encoding _____Storage What effects how well something is stored?
Google “Make everyone you meet unforgettable” 1. What are two things that will help you remember someone's name after you meet them. 2. When meeting someone with a difficult name, to remember it you should... 3. Give an example of how to link a persons name to a physical characteristic about them. BYOT!
#1 Encoding Transforming information for nervous system to process SENSES used #1
Codes Visual Codes Keeping a mental picture Acoustic Codes Saying it out loud or to yourself Semantic Codes “Making sense”
#2 Storage Information is maintained How much is stored? -> Effort encoding, Importance #2
#3 Retrieval Information is obtained which has been stored in memory How well retrieved? Encoded, Stored, Genetics #3
#1- Sensory memory Very Brief Following initial stimulation 1- Prevent us from being overwhelmed 2- Allows decision time 3- Stability!
Short term (working memory) Limited capacity MAINTENANCE REHERSAL- CHUNKING- PRIMACY-RECECY EFFECT-
Pink Dog Chocolate Smile Dolphin Yellow Running Beach Love Coffee History Soccer Friends Family
Write down the words you remember! If you remember the first couple words best, this is known as the PRIMACY effect If you remember the last couple words best, this is known as the RECENCY effect Similar to Experiment #1 you did yesterday!
Write down your first memory. Long term memory: storage of information over extended periods of time Involves sensory memory AND short term term memory
Do you remember… everything? http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7166313n After you watch, you will be writing a 1 page response on the following prompts.. 1- What is the condition called? 2- What evidence supports this condition being true? 3- Do you believe this is possible? 4- How would your life be different if you had this condition?
LONG TERM MEMORY Focusing on the four different types of long term memory… On back of your guided notes divide your paper into quadrants- draw an image to describe each type and what it is used for of each type! SEMANTIC EPISODIC DECLARATIVE PROCEDURAL
Retrieving Information Recognition- Identifying an object, idea, or situation as experienced before or not Used for multiple choice, matching tests
Recognition http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7478agjfPQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL4K72ph2CQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5ps0G3AmN8
Recall ACTIVE reconstruction of information Used for fill in the blank, short answer, essay tests Page 284 Reconstructive Processes: Confabulation: Eidetic Memory: Schemas:
Testing Recall IE- -Why was Marcy upset? -Why was Marcy Furious? In your groups…. Create a short skit that shows an emotionally charged situation (break up, disagreement, accident, losing game) Prepare two series of questions about the events that happened Questions should be the same, but the adjectives used to describe situation will be different IE- -Why was Marcy upset? -Why was Marcy Furious? (5 questions for each set)