Digital Image Processing بسمهتعالي Digital Image Processing Introduction (Chapter 1) H.R. Pourreza H.R. Pourreza
Digital Image Processing Text: Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez and Woods Grading: Homework 20% Midterm Exam 25% 87/9/11 Final Exam 40% Project 15% H.R. Pourreza
Suggested Format for Submitting Reports Page 1. Cover Page. Project title Project number Student's name Date due Date handed in Abstract (not to exceed 1/2 page) Page 2. Technical discussion. One to two pages (max). Page 3 (or 4). Discussion of results. One to two pages (max). Results. Includes all the images generated in the project. Number images individually so they can be referenced in the preceding discussions. Appendix. Program listings. Includes listings of all programs written by the student. Standard routines and other material obtained from other sources should be acknowledged by name, but their listings should not be included. H.R. Pourreza
1. What is Digital Image Processing? One Picture is Worth More Than Ten Thousand Words H.R. Pourreza
1. What is Digital Image Processing? Application Area: Improvement of Pictorial Information for Human Interpretation Processing of Image Data for Storage, Transmission and Representation for Autonomous Machine Perception H.R. Pourreza
1. What is Digital Image Processing? An Image: g(x , y) Discretization g(i , j) f(i , j) Digital Image Quantization f(i0 , j0) : Picture Element, Image Element, Pel, Pixel H.R. Pourreza
1. What is Digital Image Processing? DIP Definition: A Discipline in Which Both the Input and Output of a Process are Images. Process Image H.R. Pourreza
1. What is Digital Image Processing? Image Analysis Image Processing Vision Low-Level Process Mid-Level Process High-Level Process Reduce Noise Contrast Enhancement Image Sharpening Segmentation Classification Making Sense of an Ensemble of Recognized Objects H.R. Pourreza
2. The Origins of Digital Image Processig H.R. Pourreza
2. The Origins of Digital Image Processig H.R. Pourreza
2. The Origins of Digital Image Processig H.R. Pourreza
3. Fields that Use Digital Image Processing H.R. Pourreza
3.1. Gamma-Ray Imaging H.R. Pourreza
3.2. X-Ray Imaging H.R. Pourreza
3.3. Imaging in the Ultraviolet Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.4. Imaging in the Visible And IR Band H.R. Pourreza
3.5. Imaging in the Microwave Band H.R. Pourreza
3.6. Imaging in the Radio Band H.R. Pourreza
3.7. Other Imaging Modalities H.R. Pourreza
3.7. Other Imaging Modalities H.R. Pourreza
3.7. Other Imaging Modalities H.R. Pourreza
3.7. Other Imaging Modalities H.R. Pourreza
4. Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Proc. H.R. Pourreza
5. Components of an Image Proc. System H.R. Pourreza