Importance of Coaching with emphasis on PBIS Mark Mamrosh
Most important aspects of good coaching Coachee must have respect and trust for coach Important that coach can relate to current situations and behaviors of classroom Coach should provide positive feedback and ask how the teacher is feeling during different aspects of the day Coach should ask what domains coachee would like to focus on ( but coach should have some recommendations as well)… when coach and coachee formally agree, help from coach should be well organized and time should be recorded when the next observation or meeting will be Consistency is key ! Continued feedback and evaluation is necessary in keeping a great trusting relationship with coach and to show improvements in the classroom as well.
Having your staff “Buy In” to PBIS Trust is key and evidence to support implementation of PBIS with positive impacts on children . Team Work – Teacher needs to be a Role model for assistants/aides to ensure they understand how the expectations should look and provide time for them to practice . Setting daily goals for assistants with follow up on what worked/did not work. Ensuring that PBIS is embedded into lesson plans and finding time to review the activities and expectations with the other members of the team. Encouraging parents as a team to learn and use PBIS at home
Using Teaching practices and supports Coaches should model and recommend use of resources available. Coach must take time to teach the teacher how to use the strategies effectively and then ensure time to follow up for implementation. Don’t allow time for the staff person to develop bad habits because you, as the coach, did not follow up and provide feedback..
Using Teaching practices and supports Successful Strategies Used in the classroom : Peer mentor Jr Teacher Bee Boss Tucker Turtle Quiet/Safe Area with Emotions support charts and props available for individuals Utilizing ECERS to setup classroom environment to meet the needs of the children in the group, not just the staff Ensuring Consultants, specialists and outside agencies understand the components of PBIS practices used in the classroom/center/program. Everyone from the coach, specialists, and classroom staff should be on the same page, utilizing PBIS to its greatest potential
Utilizing and being able to adapt to different children utilizing PBIS within coaching Remember teachers are unique and have things they want to do their way, and they work…??? Teachers have different methods that may have been successful for certain groups but same routines/strategies may not work the same way to maintain and teach expectations within the classroom for a different group of children. Coaches need to be supportive and enter into “reflective conversations” with staff about what they are observing within routines and activities and help them to adjust those routines/activities to possibly fit the needs of the current group of children while building on the positives.