So What All Is Out There, Anyway? The untold story of Alice’s Adventure in Wonderverse
She went on growing, and growing, and very soon had to kneel down on the floor: in another minute there was not even room for this . . .
She looks down and sees Earth
The Moon comes into view
Soon she can see the Sun . . .
. . . and the other inner planets
There’s the asteroid belt!
The outer planets . . .
. . . the Kuiper Belt . . .
. . .and the Oort Cloud comprise our solar system
The closest star, Proxima Centauri, is a red dwarf 4 light years (LY) away
Other stars with planetary systems
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is ~100,000 LY across
Clusters of galaxies: Our Local Group
Clusters of galaxies: The Virgo Cluster
Superclusters of galaxies
Filaments of Superclusters
Distance = Time Proxima Centauri is ~ 4 LY away. Light leaving star takes 4 years to arrive at Earth. Result: We see Proxima Centauri as it looked 4 years ago!
The Sun 8 Minutes Ago
The Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million years ago
NGC 1399, 65 Million Years Ago
Just Suppose: What might we see? There is a planet in NGC 1399 That planet is exactly like Earth We could see that planet from Earth What might we see?
Abell 1825 13.2 billion years ago