What can be found in Space? Fast Facts for Beginning Astronomers
What galaxy do we live in? The Milky Way
How many planets are in our solar system? There are nine planets counting Pluto!
What are the planets Names? Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Earth Pluto Venus Mars Mercury
Facts They were all named after Greek Gods and Goddesses, except Earth. Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called the inner planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the outer planets. Pluto, Eris, Ceres, and a few others are called Dwarf planets.
The average surface temperature is…. The core temperature is… The Sun The average surface temperature is…. 9,900ºF The core temperature is… 25,000,000ºF
Small facts about each planet When Mercury is the coldest, the surface is seven times colder than a deep freeze. The air pressure on Venus is so heavy it is like being sat on by 3 ELEPHANTS Earth’s inner core is hotter than the Sun. If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, than you would weigh only 40 pounds on Mars.
More small facts about each planet. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is 3 times the size of the Earth. Winds on Saturn travel up to 1,120 MPH and the highest wind in the world recorded was 253 MPH in Australia. Uranus is named for the Greek God of the sky. Neptune’s blueness arises from methane in its atmosphere. Earth is 500 times more massive than Pluto.
Here is the website you will be going on… *THE END* Here is the website you will be going on… http://tinyurl.com/34m7vqo