Update on Acquisition Strategies and Upcoming Solicitations November 8, 2012 Derral Van Winkle, P.G. Environmental Restoration Product Line Coordinator NAVFAC Southwest
NAVFAC SW Area of Responsibility Navy Installation Marine Corps Installation Air Force Base Travis AFB NAS Fallon San Francisco Bay MCMWTC Bridgeport NAS Lemoore Dixon NSD Monterey NAWS China Lake MCAGCC 29 Palms NB Ventura County MCLB Barstow NWS Seal Beach MCAS Miramar MCI West MCB Camp Pendleton MCAS Camp Pendleton MCAS Yuma NB Coronado NB San Diego NB Point Loma MCRD NAF El Centro 11/13/2018 2
Environmental Areas of Responsibility Environmental Quality Programs: Environmental Compliance & Services Environmental Planning Environmental Assessments & Special Programs Natural and Cultural Resources including Marine Biology Environmental Restoration Program Chemical and munitions cleanup Sustainable Solid Waste Management (SW only) 11/13/2018
Regulatory Compliance Context Majority of SW Navy and Marine Corps installations are in California High number of environmental bills, rules, and permits proposed each year California has aggressive, multi-level air, water, and other media regulatory agencies, including: California Air Resources Board (ARB) County Air Pollution Control Districts (APCDs) or Regional Air Quality Management Districts (AQMDs) California Water Resources Control Board Regional Water Quality Control Boards (9 regional boards in CA) Dept of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) California Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPA) (county and local agencies) California Dept of Public Health State Lands Commission California Coastal Commission California Integrated Waste Management Board Regulations, rules, and permits are more stringent than federal requirements requiring extensive and labor-intensive recordkeeping and reporting Level of regulatory oversight is evidenced by the high number of inspection days, environmental permits, and reporting requirements This regulatory context leads to high environmental compliance and conservation costs 11/13/2018
Growth in the Southwest 57% Increase in Projected Vessel Loading Expected by 2021 Plant Replacement Value $29,748,445,150 Land Acreage 1,421,277 Ships and Aircraft 58 Surface Ships 6 Submarines 1 Aircraft Carriers 576 Aircraft Commands 617 Tenant Commands 1 Hospital 1 Research Graduate School Estimates for 2017: Ships and Aircraft 68 Surface Ships 6 Submarines 3 Aircraft Carriers 584 Aircraft Commands 634 Tenant Commands 1 Hospital 1 Research Graduate School 11/13/2018
DoN Environmental Budget Distribution Chart: PB13 Total = $1,109M $1,241 $1,098 $1,109 FY12 DoN ENV Program EQ 11/13/2018
FY12 EV Project Execution Overview Total FY12 Project Execution $303M Southwest EV Execution accounts for ~50% of LANT’s Total EQ Breakout 11/13/2018
FY13 EV Planned Project Execution Overview Total FY13 Project Execution $232 M EQ Breakout FY13-15 LANT EV Metrics LANT Goal Small Business 43% Fixed Price 60-70% Multiple Award 25% Performance Based 50% Data contained herein is based on the best available information and is subject to change 11/13/2018
Environmental Quality Program ($M) NAVFAC SW Environmental Quality Program ($M) Some Current Issues: NPDES Storm Water Permitting Areas of Biological Significance Air Permitting at Small Arms Ranges Marine Coatings & Ships’ Forces NEPA Previous FY Current FY 11/13/2018 11
Environmental Restoration, Navy (ER,N) Program ($M) NAVFAC SW Environmental Restoration, Navy (ER,N) Program ($M) Some Current Issues: Green and Sustainable Remediation Proclamation Optimization Post ROD Focus Emerging Requirements HRAs and LTM for Munitions Previous FY Current FY Projected FY 11/13/2018
ER,N Program IRP vs. MRP ($M) NAVFAC SW 11/13/2018
Environmental Contract Capacities PROGRAM FY12 Execution FY13 Planned Execution Current Contract Capacities FY13-14 Planned Solicitations Restoration/BRAC $195M $136M $970M $370M Compliance/ORC $93 M $64M $132M $200M NEPA/NCR $15M $31M $198M $165M TOTALS $303M $197M $1,300M $735M 11/13/2018
SW EV Procurements Currently Underway ** Data contained herein is based on the best available information and is subject to change SW EV Procurements Currently Underway Contract Type Scope Location of Work Contract Capacity/ Type RFP date Projected Award Date Duration Environmental Restoration Remedial Action Contract (RAC) VI Restoration SW AOR $100M/ Unrestricted Jul-11 Dec-12 Single Award IDIQ; Cost Plus-Award Fee 5 yrs Remedial Action Contract (RAC) - Small Business Jun-11 Single Award IDIQ; Cost Plus - Award Fee Environmental Compliance A-E Compliance Storm Water - incidental potable water, wastewater, groundwater, water quality NAVFAC - WIDE $30M/ Single Award, IDIQ; Fixed Price Water Quality $20M/ Sep-12 3 yrs Natural / Cultural Resources Natural Resources Natural Resources Conservation and Regulatory Compliance NAVFAC SW AOR, $10M/ MASC; Fixed Price (primary focus at MCAGCC 29 Palms) Cultural Resources Cultural Resources Curation and Regulatory Compliance NAVFAC SW AOR, (primary focus at MCAGCC 29 Palms) Oct-11 Curation Services; Fixed Price NEPA / Natural / Cultural Resources NEPA NEPA Infrastructure NAVFAC SW AOR Aug-12 Jun-13 A-E Single Award, IDIQ; Fixed Price NEPA In-Land Oct-12 Sep-13 Desert As of:9/10/12
SW EV Planned Procurements Contract Type Scope Location of Work Contract Capacity/ Type Projected Synopsis/RFP Projected Award Date Duration Environmental Compliance / Restoration Operational Range Sustainment EMAC Environmental NAVFAC SW AOR $100M/ TBD FY13 FY13/14 5 yrs Restoration 8(a) EMAC Restoration $50M/ Small Business 5yrs Restoration SB EMAC $100M/ 5years FY 13 8(a) CERCLA/RCRA Compliance $20M/ Single Award Fixed Price NEPA / Natural / Cultural Resources NEPA NEPA Operations $30M/ A-E; Single Award, IDIQ; Fixed Price NEPA In-Water Coastal FY 13/14 Natural Resources Natural Resources Conservation and Regulatory Compliance $25M/ MASC; Fixed Price Exotic Pest Plant Species Eradication Cultural Resources Cultural Resources Regulatory Compliance As of:9/10/12
More Information Listing of expected NAVFAC Environmental Contract Opportunities NAVFAC Webpage: www.navfac.navy.mil Environmental: https://portal.navfac.navy.mil/portal/page/portal/navfac/navfac_ww_pp/navfac_navfacsw_pp/environmental Small Business Program Office Webpage: https://smallbusiness.navfac.navy.mil Federal Business Opportunities: www.fedbizops.gov 11/13/2018
Questions? 11/13/2018