Selling Cars Online Instructor : Chris Choi Group 4 : Ben Diana Diana Desmond Desmond Thomas Thomas Sulphur Sulphur Start time : Nov 06, 2008 End time : Dec 05, 2008
Project Objectives Create a website for selling cars online. Create a website for selling cars online. Provide car information in details for customers. Provide car information in details for customers. Register for trial driving. Register for trial driving. Get feedbacks from customers. Get feedbacks from customers.
Functions Customer management (Create-Read- Update-Delete). Customer management (Create-Read- Update-Delete). Product management (CRUD). Product management (CRUD). Employee management (CRUD). Employee management (CRUD). Feedback management (CRUD). Feedback management (CRUD). Search product by brand, year, style, price. Search product by brand, year, style, price. Choose car to buy. Choose car to buy. Choose car to drive trial. Choose car to drive trial.
Benefits Its useful to advertising and selling. Its useful to advertising and selling. Its easy for customers to choose and compare the different kinds of cars. Its easy for customers to choose and compare the different kinds of cars. Saving time and money to choose the favorite cars that you like best and suitable with your budget. Saving time and money to choose the favorite cars that you like best and suitable with your budget.
Technologies HTML, CSS, JQuery, Lightbox. HTML, CSS, JQuery, Lightbox. Hibernate 3.0, Ajax DWR 2.0 Hibernate 3.0, Ajax DWR 2.0 Server : jboss 4.2 Server : jboss 4.2 Database : MySQL 5.0 Database : MySQL 5.0 IDE : Eclipse IDE : Eclipse J2EE 1.4, JDK 1.6 J2EE 1.4, JDK 1.6
System Requirements CPU Pentium IV 1.4Ghz CPU Pentium IV 1.4Ghz Ram 512 MB Ram 512 MB HDD 80 GB HDD 80 GB OS: Window XP SP1+ OS: Window XP SP1+ Web browser IE 5.0+, firefox 2.0+ Web browser IE 5.0+, firefox 2.0+
The end !!!