Culture Unit 3 Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7
Cultural Geography Study of living cultures
Cultural Landscape The modification of the natural landscape by human activities
Cultural Ecology The study of the relationship between the natural environment and culture
Archaeology Study of past cultures
Assimilation the process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture
Cultural Diffusion Borrowing from other cultures – food, clothing styles, etc.; spread of culture to another area
Cultural Hearths The areas where civilizations first began from which the ideas and innovations radiated from
Acculturation Process by which a person from one culture adopts traits from another culture
Prejudice Unreasonable attitude or bias against a group or culture based on supposed characteristics
Bias Personal, distorted judgment that influences objective perception; one sided
Stereotype Over simplifies, commonly held opinion of a person or group, often a composite of traits; generalizations about a group Example: all Muslims are terrorists, all African Americans are lazy, all Italians are drunks, all French are rude
Ethnocentric (ethno=cultural group; centric=at the center) believing that one’s own culture is the best or better than others; negative if extreme; positive if establishes pride
Xenophobia (xeno=foreign; phobia=fear) a fear of foreigners and things foreign
In your notes On the side of your paper write out the ABC’s and stop at letter L Skip at least 3 lines between each letter. Title your notes ABC’s of Culture
A is for Appearance Clothing – special occasions, colors, how it is worn, uniforms Jewelry – special meanings, wedding rings, lapel pins Type of Material - bought, handmade, imported Hair Style - Physical Features – short, tall Make up; Tattoos
B is for Belief Systems Religion Superstitions Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, etc Superstitions Don’t step on a crack, don’t cross under a ladder, don’t step in the path of a black cat, etc.
C is for Communication Language Tone Sign Body signals Titles (presidents vs. kings vs. chiefs) Greetings (handshakes, bowing, etc)
D is for Dates History Ancestry Heritage Holidays
E is for Entertainment Art Music Crafts Dance Sports Songs Storytelling
F is for Food Types Spices Special Occasions Preparation How people eat Fasting Taboos F is for Food
G is for Government Laws Values Social Roles and Order How people act towards each other Social Groups/Clubs
H is for Housing Style and Materials Use of Rooms Shape and Size Color Arrangement of furniture H is for Housing
I is for Information Informal – education from relatives and peers Formal – education from school and life experiences
J is for Jobs Technology – scientific knowledge and tools Economy Ways of making a living Style/type of currency Transportation Communication
K is for Kind of Environment Location Climate and Weather Physical Features Vegetation This information explains relationship to the environment
Leftovers Leftover information that doesn’t fit into one of the categories Population, demographics, disease, etc.