title Software Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or 2010 (16:9 format) Software Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or 2010 (16:9 format) In all cases, please make sure that any files you use are compatible with Windows. Fonts All PCs will have the standard Windows Fonts, if you use a special font or particular scientific symbols, please pay special attention that it is compatible. Font size - the smallest font is 12 point and the preferred size is 36 points. Presentation Size Do not exceed 10 lines per slide. Do not exceed 15 slides for your presentation. Contrasts High colour contrasts between the wording and background should be favoured for an easier readability for the audience. e.g. white background with black lettering, dark blue background with yellow lettering. Images Be careful of the size of images if you insert them into your presentation. You should try to reduce the image size beforehand by using programs such as Photoshop. If you have images that are too large, this may slow down your presentation and therefore reduce its quality. Linked Media Files If you wish to use Linked Media Files, please create a folder on your computer and store your presentation and all other linked media files within that folder in order to enable the transfer of all files for your presentation upload.