LESSON 3 Planning our pitch
Which charity should our class support?
11 Looking back… at the charity you chose last lesson.
What should we be looking out for? 11 What should we be looking out for? Supports our community Would really benefit from £1,000 Ask students to think about what their ideal class charity would be like. There are suggestions on the slide such as close to them so they can visit, supports our local community, would really benefit from £1,000 (prompt the students to think what £1,000 would mean to a very small charity compared to a very large charity). This is to help the students begin to think about the criteria for their class charity as they will chose the class charity this lesson. We believe their work is important Local to us
12 Planning our pitch: Plan a 2 minute pitch to present to your class using the planning tool on page 12 of your coursebook. You have 15 minutes Each team will choose one charity to do a 2 minute pitch about to the class. There is guidance on page 14 of the Student Coursebook on how to structure their pitch. All members of the team should say something - they may want to take one subsection each. They have 15 minutes to plan and rehearse their pitch. Click the image to enlarge
13 Pitches: Listen to each team’s pitch and mark them using the guide on page 13 of your coursebook. How convincing and persuasive is the case for their charity? Students listen to each pitch and mark out of 5 for each section.
14 pitch, and how it went? presentation skills? How could you improve your pitch next time?
Look at your assessment of the other teams: 14 Look at your assessment of the other teams: Which one was most convincing? Write down your top charity. (You can’t vote for your own!) Tear out and hand to your teacher. Next lesson your teacher will announce which charity the class will support!