Ph D in religious studies Name: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr College Degrees and Ph D in religious studies Name: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Birth Date 15-01-1929 Alabama India met Gandhi Father : a reverend Influence : Non-violent resistance As a weapon US President who helped him J.F. Kennedy Cause: civil rights Non-violent protests Actions Speeches: Montgomery bus Boycott, Sit-ins marches Photo MLK in jail , May 1963 Birmingham Marches… Famous speech « I have a dream » 1963 Reward: Nobel Peace Prize 1964 Death Date March 29th 1968 Assassinated Result Helped unite a nation End of segregation Laws (Jim craw laws) Congress passed civil right laws 1964 Voting right laws 1965
Name ? Studies ? Place ? Degrees ? Birth ? Date ? Place ? Famous person he met in India ? Father ? Influence ? US President who helped him ? Cause he fought for ? How ? Actions ? Photo ? What ? Where ? When ?Why ? Famous speech Date ? Content ? Reward ? Death Date ? Place ? How ? Result ?