PIN feedback – Task 2 (Having a persuasive argument) KEY TIPS – Counterfactual History Counterfactual history, also sometimes referred to as virtual history, is a form of historiography that attempts to answer "what if" questions known as counterfactuals. This is a great technique in helping you to reach a sustained judgement and help you prove why your argument is stronger
COUNTERFACTUAL HISTORY Race riots Birmingham Protest march 1963 Olympic salute Washington Peace march 1963 Black Panther’s: Free Huey campaign Selma Protest 1965 If these events didn’t happen would we still see progress in the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s? Assassination of Malcolm X
PIN feedback – Task 2 (Having a persuasive argument) In conclusion, the policies and activities of the Black Power movement were important for why the the Civil Rights Movement made progress in the 1960’s because leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael helped to make an impact on African American culture and society by bringing to the medias attention the depravity of Afro-Americans through events such as the race riots in the Watts district. However, this was not as important as the policies and activities of Martin Luther King because his actions led to the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. This is more important because had Martin Luther King not organized his Washington Peace march and delivered his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech at the Lincoln memorial, then President Kennedy and his successor would not have felt compelled to pass the Civil Rights Act, which ended segregation across America and is therefore seen as the biggest single act passed by government since the Emancipation of slaves. On the other hand if the Race Riots had not happened then the Civil Rights Movement would have still have progressed, through the momentum of the the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In fact, the race riots potentially could have derailed the Civil Rights movement because many of its white supporters were alarmed by the violence shown in the Watts district, which countered Martin Luther King’s peaceful methods. Conclusively, the policies and activities of Martin Luther King was a more important reason for why the Civil Rights Movement made progress in the 1960’s because without his influence important laws wouldn’t have been passed and its white support would be diminished.
from the example script? What lessons can be learned from the example script? In the 12 mark bullet point questions students are not rewarded and are putting themselves at a disadvantage for the rest of the exam, if they attempt to write any additional factors to that provided in the stimulus points If a student explains one factor and identifies another – this will warrant a Low Level 3 score Conclusions are not credited unless the candidate has successfully developed both of the bullet points To get a student to achieve a level 3 they need to identify, describe and explain 2 factors/aspects (essentially 2 PEE or PEEL paragraphs)
Key tips to help you to achieve a Level 3 Making sure that you say both HOW and WHY Re-writing the question / statement – ‘This was important because…’ You only refer to the bullet points provided Using connectives such as ‘because’ Following simple structures like PEE or PEEL Counter-factual questioning for conclusions Looking at importance / effect in the short and long-term Remember that conclusions are not credited unless you explain both bullet points
How do we structure our responses? Paragraph 1 (Bullet point 1) Paragraph 2 (Bullet point 2) P Make a point (address the question) E Give evidence to support it – (make sure evidence is specific and accurate) Explain how and why your evidence supports your point (rewrite the question – use clear connectives such as ‘because’) Conclusion Evaluate the importance of each factor before making a reasoned judgement answering the question Try and show how the factors are linked