Social Media for Business
Why bother?
Social media supports business Better targeting and retargeting Free to set up Drives traffic to your website Relatively low cost advertising Easily shareable marketing Easily measured. Brand personality Builds relationships Influencing customers Generate media coverage Customer feedback and response Social media supports business
Research, research, research.
The College’s summer campaign: planning Starts: March of the year. Given a budget and guidance on geographical area Review: Consider previous campaigns. Design, message and location. How choose locations: Book sites based on major traffic routes – parents/students Artwork and message: Ideas of taglines and designs Theme: How can social media or the blog support the advertising? May: All artwork or advertising will go to the advertisers max. four weeks before campaigns start Campaign length: Mid-June until end of September Channels: External and online advertising (free and paid) Big push towards online now – 50%+ web traffic through mobile devices Probably work within between 3 and 10 suppliers per campaign – online/offline The College’s summer campaign: planning
Budget we have Internal/external Push towards digital How do I know what channels work? Inflation Last minute bookings Carry design into prospectus Buses in summer? Young people not on the buses then Weather dependent? Why do I book these sites?
What problems do I face? I’m a pedantic planner, others are not! Last minute artwork jobs from others – takes up our designer’s time Awareness of others as to how long this process takes/how far in advance I have to book things Advertisers may have problems with artwork/dates Social media complaints Staff on holiday Competitors encroaching Easier to be responsive on digital advertising vs external advertising Huge geographical area Budget restrictions What problems do I face?