Museum Entrance welcome to the Swkae rewken museum Their land is grass, muddy, and has canals. Add Artifact 3 Press for Creator Customs and relations with europeans Food and houses language
Room 2 Foods and Dewllings Add Artifact 6 Add Artifact 5 The Swkae Rewken people eat Alligators, Snakes, Fish, and Hogs. Also they eat bark off a tree. Another thin they eat is bugs like Worms, Beatles, and Grubs. The large house they lived in is longhouse, and a loge. The small house they lived in is tepees. Museum Entrance
Room 3 talking Language of the Swkae Rewken people Here are some words they say bi, si, fo, and jon. Bi means hallow. Si means by. Fo means enemy. Jon means chief. Bi is written in ‘/. Si is written in %. Fo is written in’/’. Jon is written in x/. Museum Entrance
Room 4 Customs and traditions and Relations with Europeans They have traditions like if a old man died they would set him on pile of sticks and set it on firer. When a old women died they would bury her. The relation with the Europeans were great because they both shared something to each other. Like the Swkae Rewken people gave the Europeans corn. The Europeans gave the Swkae Rewken people guns. Room 4 Add Artifact 14 Museum Entrance
David Floyd Thank you for reading Return to Room Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler based on one of the sample virtual museums provided by the Keith Valley staff at ISTE’s NECC 2005. Contact Dr. Keeler for more information about virtual museums or visit