Principals as Instructional Technology Leaders Virginia Department of Education Principals as Instructional Technology Leaders
Profile of a Virginia Graduate
Accreditation Matrix/School Quality Profiles Mechanisms of Accountability School Quality Profiles Accreditation (State) 5
Resources from the VDOE Educational Technology Plan for Virginia Draft posted for public comment: August 1 First review by Board of Education: September Final approval: November Local Division Plans due November 2018
Resources from the VDOE Computer Science Standards and Training First review by Board of Education: July Draft posted for public comment: August 1 Final approval: October Standards are K-12 Training has already been happening but will ramp up next fall
Resources from the VDOE #GoOpenVA, eMediaVA #GoOpenVA is part of the national #GoOpen movement Sharing meeting August 1 with Chesterfield County (a national Ambassador district) Currently working on 3 curriculum resources for Virginia educators eMediaVA is the state repository for OER
Resources from the VDOE VPSA Funds/e-Learning Backpack Fiscal Year 2014 have been retroactively changed so you can purchase laptops OR tablets. Funds must be used by FY18.
Resources from the VDOE Virtual Learning (Virtual Virginia and MOPs) Don’t forget to request reimbursement for AP exam fees by July 15 (for your Virtual Virginia students) Continuing with the Math Outreach and Full-Time pilot projects
Resources from the VDOE Intel Professional Development Online Free online PD courses for Virginia educators regarding technology integration 30 hours each course No offerings this summer as they are being re-tooled
Resources from the VDOE Infrastructure: e-Rate VDOE’s own e-Rate expert: Dr. Susan Clair
Resources from the VDOE Other: Accessibility, TSIP Refresh VDOE Webmasters have created a page of resources to assist schools and divisions in keeping their web pages accessible. TSIP (Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel) getting an update (first since 1998!) with help of VSTE
Contact Information (804) 786-0307 (804) 225-2825 (804) 786-0877
URLS: School Quality Profiles: http://schoolquality. virginia URLS: School Quality Profiles: Profile of a Virginia Graduate: Technology Planning: Computer Science Standards: GoOpenVA: VSPA Funding: Virtual Learning: Professional Development: Infrastructure: eRate: Accessibility: TSIP Refresh: