Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a pony; He stuck a feather in his hat, And called it macaroni.
The American Revolution A Break From Britain 1775 - 1783
The Main Events Through Improv. The Original 13 Colonies of Britain The 7 Years War and Yankee Doodle Colonists Begin to Break Away Intolerable Acts and Boston Tea No Taxation Without Representation John Locke and Nationalism The British Are Coming July 4th 1776 – Declaration of Independence January 14, 1784 – Treaty of Paris ending the American Revolution.
Tea Party – Schoolhouse Rock – No More Kings Kid Video Review Tea Party – Schoolhouse Rock – No More Kings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9pDZMRCpQ&feature=related
British Colonies 1750 1. Newfoundland 2. Nova Scotia 3.13 Colonies 4. Bermuda 5. Bahama 6. British Honduras 7. Jamaica 8. Barbados
Causes of American Revolution #1 - Mercantilism Mercantilism – key to economic growth of a nation was foreign trade. Colonies allowed them to have guaranteed sources of raw materials. In short, the colonies were to be administered primarily, if not exclusively, for the economic benefit of the mother country. all trade had to be conducted in vessels owned and commanded by an English subject Colonies received a degree of freedom and self- government but were forced to depend upon British goods and services. Colonists profited from degree of freedom and prosperity of Britain. Taxation on goods lead to smuggling and laws that were frequently ignored
#2 – National Consciousness The British assumed the supremacy of British parliament in all matters. The British could not be bothered with the colonial assemblies so they continued to grow in power and believed they had rights and prerogatives over laws. Colonists began to feel that the New World was somehow better than the Old – they developed a moral superiority. The Great Awakening -
#3 – Finances and Taxation 7 Years War – Britain asked the colonies to support them in during 7 years war against France. Taxation - “No taxation without Representation” - franchise did not extend to over 90% of the population and therefor the colonists did not feel they should be taxed without having a voice in parliament. Tax stamps (rioting resulted in the Boston Massacre of 1766) – taxes were repealed but unrest continued. East India Company were given exclusive right to sell its tea directly to Americans without paying taxes – Radicals boarded the ships and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbour. Britain responded with the Intolerable Acts.
#4 French and Indian War / 7 Years War The French fought a war against the colonists and the British over the land in America. This was started in 1754 and lasted until 1763. Europeans called this the Seven Years War. Many Indians fought on the side of the French. The French had befriended the Indians through their fur trading. The war ended with the British and colonists winning. France lost Canada and all of the French territory east of the Mississippi River except New Orleans. Treaty of Paris. This war changed the way of thinking for the colonists. During the war the colonists fought alongside the British Army. This taught the colonist how to fight as well as making the colonist realize that they no longer needed the British Army for protection. Another result of this war was the colonists learned they must work together to keep their land.
# 4 – Proclamation Line of 1763
With the Proclamation Line, the British government appeased the Amerindians but angered the colonists. They could not expand beyond this line.
Declaration of Independence Inspired by John Locke's Second Treatise on Government (1689) Written by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams Locke - “All government is instituted for 'life liberty and the protection of property'” Jefferson - “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
Lasting Legacy Built American Nationalism Some saw this as a way to end slavery. Established a government based on liberty and freedom. They were no longer a colony of Britain “Confederates not subjects, and their rulers, servants not masters” Treaty of Paris – settlement for America First democracy of the modern world?
http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson 175.shtml Great Washington quote: "As the sword was the last resort for the preservation of liberties, so it might be the first to be laid aside when those liberties are firmly established." (1776) http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/amrevol.html Tea Party – Schoolhouse Rock – No More Kings