Teen driver killed in horrible crash in Baring BARING, Maine — A teenager was killed Saturday evening when the vehicle he was driving went off the road and hit a tree. Nicholas W., 16, has been trapped inside the vehicle which reportedly caught fire, the police said. The two female passengers who were also trapped were helped by passer-bys.
Teen driver killed in fiery crash in Baring BARING, Maine — A teenager was killed Saturday evening when the vehicle he was driving went off the road and hit a tree. Nicholas W., 16, has been trapped inside the vehicle which reportedly caught fire, the police said. Two female passengers who were also trapped were helped by passer-bys.
a teenager was killed Nicholas W. has been trapped two female passengers were helped by passer-bys. What verb structures do we have in these three sentences from newspaper?
Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … teenager was killed… Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … These verb constructs consist of 2 parts each… What is the first? What is the second?
Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … teenager was killed… Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … 1st part: to be
teenager was killed… Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … 2nd part: past participle
teenager was killed… Nicolas has been trapped… passengers were helped … to be + past participle
So... The basic recipe for this form is: to be + past participle is / were/ has been / are being / will be … help – helped - helped do – did – done see – saw – seen forget – forgot – forgotten …
Now… What form is this? a teenager was killed Did the teenager kill someone? … No! Nicholas W. was trapped Did Nicolas trap someone? … No! two female passengers were helped by passer-bys Did the passengers help someone? … No! No! They all don’t do anything! They are ‘passive’…
It‘s THE PASSIVE ! a teenager was killed Nicholas W. was trapped two female passengers were helped by passer-bys. In a passive sentence, the subject doesn‘t do anything… it is passive. And, now we know: The passive is built by using to be (in the correct tense) + past participle
from Active to Passive… When we want to change a sentence from the active to the passive voice, we always need to do two things: swap (tauschen) the positions of the subject and the object. Change the verb form from active to passive (but keep the tense!)
from Active to Passive… The police arrested the burglar. (active) The burglar was arrested by the police. (passive) Mary is kissing David in the garden. (active) David is being kissed by Mary in the garden. (passive)
Active and passive Form and Usage
Usage Sentences can be active or passive. Therefore, tenses also have active forms and passive forms. You must learn to recognize the difference to successfully speak English.
Active sentences In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. thing doing action + verb + thing receiving action The professor teaches the students. John washed the dishes.
Passive sentences In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included at the end of the sentence. thing receiving action be + past participle by + thing doing action The students are taught (by the professor). The dishes were washed (by John).
Active Passive Jenny cleans her house every day. The house is cleaned every day (by her).
Passive sentences: Present tense Present Simple Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Present Continuous Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah.
Passive sentences: Past tense Past Simple Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam. Past Continuous The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store.
Passive sentences: Past tense Present Perfect Many tourists have visited that castle since 2002. That castle has been visited by many tourists since 2002. Present Perfect Continuous Recently, John has been doing the work. Recently, the work has been being done by John.
Passive sentences: Past tense Past Perfect George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license. Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license. Past Perfect Continuous Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant's fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris. The restaurant's fantastic dinners had been being prepared by Chef Jones for two years before he moved to Paris.
Passive sentences: Future tense will-future Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM. The work will be finished by 5:00 PM.
Passive sentences: Modals Present Modals My mother can make delicious apple pies. Delicious apple pies can be made by my mother. The students should learn the words. The words should be learned by the students.
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