Utilizing Relationship Development During Program Expansion Spring, 2018
Presentation Goals At completion of this presentation participants will have an understanding of how Treehouse Regional Managers and Direct Service Staff utilize relationship development to build, support and maintain service expansion into new areas of Washington State. 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
"The goal is to provide inspiring information that moves people to action."- Guy Kawasaki 13 November 2018 Relationship Development
Learning Objectives- At the conclusion of this presentation participants will understand how Treehouse: Develops, builds, and maintains relationships with Students, School District Staff, Outside Agencies, Caregivers & Group Homes, & Additional Stakeholders. Establishes Data Sharing Agreements and Memorandums of Understanding with School Districts. Advocates for student rights while maintaining strong working relationships with all stakeholders. 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Introductions- Rodney Robinson Ernest Henderson Nicole Jordan Janelle Smith Jeremy Van Dusen 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Treehouse For Kids Brief history and overview Graduation Success King County 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Data Sharing Agreements Our DSA’s outline and define terms of use and access to student data within school districts. Establishes the relationship between the district and our agency. Creates protection from unauthorized access &/or misuse of data. Enhances the ability of the district & Treehouse to improve academic achievement. Allows the district and Treehouse to accurately measure performance and progress. Defines the responsibilities of the district and Treehouse. Establishes a start and end date for the agreement. 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Memorandum of Understanding Our MOU’s define the working relationship between Treehouse and the school districts we serve.. Determines the purpose and scope of our services. Defines terms & conditions of the working relationship. Establishes security measures such as background checks and building access. Defines requirements for liability protection held by Treehouse (insurance). Sets terms of length of relationship and severability. 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Eastern Washington Expansion Ernest Henderson Eastern Washington Expansion 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Year One Spokane School District District Level Contacts Foster Care Liaison High School Administrators 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Stakeholder Agencies Children’s Administration Nonprofits Treatment Facilities 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Year Two Outlying School Districts Utilizing Direct Services Staff in communication with smaller districts. Flexibility in communication and working relationships 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Rodney Robinson Tacoma Area Expansion 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Year One Tacoma School District District Level Contacts Foster Care Liaison High School Administrators Other Co-Located Programs 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Stakeholder Agencies Children’s Administration Nonprofits Treatment Facilities Post-Secondary Programs & Institutions 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Expansion Year Two Outlying School Districts Utilizing Direct Services Staff in communication with smaller districts. Flexibility in communication and working relationships 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
“Each day you are leading by example “Each day you are leading by example. Whether you realize it or not or whether it's positive or negative, you are influencing those around you.” ― Rob Liano 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Direct Service Staff 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Graduation Success Coordinator Nicole Jordan Bethel High School Spanaway lake High School Graham-Kaposkin High School 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Graduation Success Coordinator Janelle Smith Lewis & Clark High School Joel E. Ferris High School Spokane School District Option/Alternative Schools 13 November 2018 Presentation Title
Graduation Success Coordinator Jeremy Van Dusen North Central High School Excelsior Youth Center East Valley School District 13 November 2018
Relationship initiation, growth & maintenance With Students In School Buildings With Caregivers & Group Homes With additional stakeholders 13 November 2018
Maintaining relationships while working at multiple sites. Scheduling Presence Office Hours Consist 13 November 2018
Planning for Relationship Development in Future Expansion What have we learned In what areas did we struggle What worked well 13 November 2018