District 6780 Rotary Foundation New Model and Humanitarian Grants August 2014
Funding Model ANNUAL PROGRAMS FUND 50% 50% District Designated Fund 11/13/2018 Funding Model ANNUAL PROGRAMS FUND 50% 50% SHARE District Controlled Trustees Controlled District Designated Fund World Fund Other (Cash, DAF, Permanent Fund) 50% (max) 50% (min) District Grants Global Grants (World Fund match to DDF and cash)
FV Funding D6780 – 2014-15 APF Donations – 2011-12 $460,000 50% 50% 11/13/2018 FV Funding D6780 – 2014-15 APF Donations – 2011-12 $460,000 50% 50% SHARE District Controlled Trustees Controlled District Designated Fund $230,000 World Fund Other (Cash, DAF, Permanent Fund) 50% (max) 50% (min) District Grants Global Grants (World Fund match to DDF and cash) $115,000 $115,000 >$230,000
Grant Funding Basics Many projects can fit District or Global grants District grants must be humanitarian Global grants must also: Be international and have an overseas partner Be >$30,000 project size Be aligned with the 6 focus areas Meet sustainability guidelines Global Grants get WF matching Which is better? August 2014
Questions at Registration - Grants How do you determine the greatest necessity for paying out grants? How and when to submit grants? How the various grants differ? Process for applying for each type grant How to deal with the International grants such as H2H and Ghana? What are other clubs doing for international projects? I’ve had grant training and plan to attend again, because some of the areas are still fuzzy to me. August 2014
Registration Q&A - TRF Giving How do we make giving to the Foundation less complicated and confusing with all the giving levels, ways to give, etc.? How to convey the message of how important it is to donate to Foundation and Polio Plus? Current status of the The Rotary Foundation Is there more to the Foundation than becoming a STAR club and Polio Eradicator Club? Where would a $10,000 gift to TRF be of most value and fill the greatest need right now? How can donations to TRF be used by a person or club toward a PHF award? August 2014
Registration Q&A - Club Capability Don’t know enough to know what to ask? What the Rotary Foundation can do for the local club? How can we become more active with the Rotary Foundation? Beth suggestions: Do you have a Chairman? (resource the Club Foundation Chair manual?) Have you set a goal for donation? (Monthly Contribution Report) Do you attend training sessions and educate your board of directors? August 2014