2013 Annual IFTA Business Meeting IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees IFTA, Inc. Strategic Plan 2013 Annual IFTA Business Meeting August 22, 2013 Reno, NV Scott Greenawalt (OK) IFTA, Inc. Board of Trustees
The current Strategic Plan was originally developed in 2008 and has been amended throughout the past several years. The Board of Trustees is reviewing the current plan with an eye toward developing a new plan for the future.
Major Accomplishments Full Implementation of the IFTA, Inc. Clearinghouse Analysis of the capabilities of GPS and other electronic positioning systems as they apply to commercial trucking operations Complete update of the Annual Report and Exemption Databases on the IFTA, Inc. website Combined CVSA and Managers and Law Enforcement Workshop with IRP Developed and implemented the Electronic Review process These are the major accomplishments from the 2008 Strategic Plan.
Looking Toward the Future To get to the future, you must first review the past The Board has reviewed the history contained in the Strategic Plan and completed its update of the years since 2008. The Board held a webinar in March to review and update the Future Challenges in the Strategic Plan
Looking Toward the Future The Board has completed its SWOT analysis Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats The Board identified several new threats: Hacking of data Sophistication of taxpayer base VMT becomes a reality Economic changes affecting the staffing and operations of IFTA, Inc. Failure of financial institutions
At its meeting in October, the Board will be reviewing the Vision and Mission Statements and begin development of the Goals and Objectives for the Association. The Board would welcome your thoughts and concerns regarding IFTA and IFTA, Inc. so they may be considered as part of this planning process.