PRESENTATION TITLE The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
SLIDE TITLE HEADING 1 USES FRANKLIN GOTHIC DEMI Regular text uses Franklin Gothic Book Bulleted list uses Franklin Gothic book SLIDE TITLE The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
SLIDE TITLE Want to use a photo? To use a photo in this template: Use PicMonkey to make your photo black and white Upload to PowerPoint Crop photo using the crop tool You can find the crop tool by clicking on your photo > format > the crop button can be found on the left side of the menu by the width and height If you want the photo to be used as a background image, go to Design > Format Background > Picture or texture fill > Insert picture from file Once your photo is uploaded, copy the blue filter to the right and paste it onto your image or background. You will need to resized the filter to fit your image. If you are using the filter for the background image, send the filter to the back. SLIDE TITLE The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TEMPLATE COLORS All colors can be found on the branding website. You can use the eyedropper tool in PowerPoint to grab any of the colors in this template. For your convenience, the colors can also be found below: Orange: R (238) G (143) B (76) Do not use this yellow on a white background as it is hard to read. Use it for heading or important information on a dark blue background. Light blue: R(161) G (209) B (208) Do not use this light blue on a white background as it is hard to read. Use it for headings or important information on a dark blue background. Dark blue: R (18) G (65) B (114) Use the dark blue for headings or important text. Grey: R (64) G (64) B (64) Use this grey for paragraph text. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
LIST EXAMPLE Heading A bit about that topic The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
“Add a quote here”. -Source The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
CONTINUED Do you want to continue an idea? Use this slide to continue the same topic. Instead of “CONTINUED” try to use a brief title for the topic you are continuing, such as “AGENDA” or “FINDINGS”. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
STARTING A NEW IDEA? Use this slide. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF SLIDE Use the following slides if you have a few concepts to discuss. CONCEPT 1 Lorem ipsum CONCEPT 2 Lorem ipsum CONCEPT 3 Lorem ipsum CONCEPT 4 Lorem ipsum CONCEPT 5 Lorem ipsum CONCEPT 6 Lorem ipsum The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF SLIDE CONCEPT 3 CONCEPT 1 CONCEPT 2 Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF THE SLIDE Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF THE SLIDE Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF THE SLIDE Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Patient care & research goals related to learning health system concept Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
Make an important point with this slide. The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
SLIDE TITLE Looking for a traditional slide with a bulleted list? Try this one. Make sure you follow the photo instructions On slide 3 to create the banner image You see above The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.
TITLE OF SLIDE CONCEPT 1 CONCEPT 2 CONCEPT 3 Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum The UF CTSI is supported in part by NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428. This content is solely the responsibility of the UF CTSI and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.