Do Now: Take a look at a list of some foods eaten around the world Do Now: Take a look at a list of some foods eaten around the world. Would you eat this food?
Blood Sausage: Made from the blood of pigs, cattle and sheep
Lobster: Boiled alive
Bat paste: A soup made of bat parts
Cow tongue: Boiled, fried or sauteed
Fetal duck: Soft-boiled
Chicken eggs: Boiled, fried, mixed with other foods
What makes us eat certain foods but not others?
Aim: How does our culture affect our lives?
Culture Is:
Knowledge and values shared by a society Culture Is: Knowledge and values shared by a society
“A Normal American Morning” John, a normal guy born and raised in America, wakes up in his bed. His bed sheets have a funky pattern that dates back 500 years to a tribe in the Middle East. He goes to a restaurant for some breakfast. In front of him is his plate, made of a form of pottery invented in China. His knife is made of steel. Steel is a combination of metals that was first invented in Southern India. His fork was invented in Italy in the Middle Ages. His spoon was invented by people in Ancient Rome. He begins breakfast with orange juice – oranges are fruit that come from South Asia. His coffee was grown on plants that come from Africa. His eggs were first eaten in Asia and his bacon is smoked, which is a process first invented in North Europe.
When aspects (parts) of a culture are spread to another culture Cultural Diffusion: When aspects (parts) of a culture are spread to another culture
Why is the following an example of cultural diffusion?
Why is the following an example of cultural diffusion?