Guideline to Monthly Preparation of Schedules Kathy Litchfield Scheduling Manager
Your Scheduling Team Kathy Litchfield – Scheduling Manager Carla Raiford-Harrison - Lead Chris Armuth – Lead Jack McGinty Wanda Santos Dana Shea Brandi Wilson Adam DiNolfi Faye Jackson Connie Breedlove Barb Lively Meaghan Horgan Mark Morena Sienna Malubay Paula Lazarus
General Scheduling Info Your EmCare Scheduling Coordinator will ensure that you are trained on EmTime or in the case of some of our Anesthesia sites, Open Tempo. Our goal is to have Monthly schedules completed and emailed 30 – 45 days in advance. Scheduling requests must be submitted into EmTime or Open Tempo by the deadline determined for your site.
General Scheduling Info continued To avoid misunderstandings, please provide all preference requests in EmTime or Open Tempo. Emtime A courtesy call will be made to individual providers whose Preferences are outstanding after the indicated due date.
General Scheduling Info continued Schedule requests received after the scheduling process has begun will be accommodated to the best of our ability. We will write your schedule based on your previous requests, likes and dislikes; however honoring your exact preferences may not be possible once the deadline has passed.
General Scheduling Info continued Please remember – an off request is a “request”. We cannot fully guarantee your days off until the schedule is complete. If you have a trip you are planning, please let us know as soon as you can so we can make sure your there will be no problem with your dates. It is our goal to make sure that everyone gets the time off they need while maintaining coverage for the Hospital.
Scheduling Goals and Objectives Full time providers are expected to work at least two full weekends to ensure that you will have two full weekends off. In a month with five weekends in it you could be expected to do an additional shift. We will make every effort to provide you with an evenly distributed amount of day, evening and night shifts. Schedules will be published 30- 45 days in advance.
Vacation Requests Please make every effort to give us, in writing, at least 60 days notice of any anticipated time off in excess of 4 consecutive days. Conflicts are resolved by Site Medical Director. If posted, utilize the EmCare calendar in your ED.
Holiday Coverage Starting in August the Staffing Coordinators will begin communicating with the Site Medical Directors regarding Holiday Scheduling. This should be discussed during your September ED meeting. The Medical Director will have final approval. Sign-up for shifts prior to and following the holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas Day/Eve, New Year’s Eve/Day.
Schedule Changes Once the schedule has been “finalized” or “released”, all changes to the schedule are the responsibility of the provider who has been scheduled for the actual shift. Experience has shown that changes to the schedule are more easily made and everyone feels more equitably treated if shift exchanges are made through direct provider-provider communication. Again, all communications regarding schedule changes or revisions should be between provider and EmCare representatives only.
Changes continued It is absolutely essential that the Staffing Coordinator be advised of every shift change as soon as it is made. Payroll can only be accurate if the master schedules maintained at the EmCare Office are correct
Emergency Scheduling In the event of illness or a last minute personal emergency after the office has closed, you may reach the “On Call” person at: 215-741-2395. This number is also located on the bottom of your monthly schedule for your convenience. All communication must be directly between Provider and an EmCare representative. If after hours please do not leave a message on your staffers voicemail, or by sending them a text . There is no guarantee that if they are not on call they will receive the message.
The Bottom Line… Scheduling requires a give-and-take relationship between each provider and staffer. We do our best to create a schedule that meets your personal and professional needs. In return, we ask that you submit your requests on time and be flexible and understanding when scheduling conflicts arise, and we will do the same.
Welcome to EmCare! Thank you! From your Scheduling team : Kathy, Carla, Chris, Jack, Wanda, Dana, Brandi, Adam, Connie, Faye, Barb, Meaghan, Mark, Sienna and Paula