Team Progress & Timeline Review for the Proficiency 101 Project 2nd Meeting Thursday, February 23, 2012 Helga Fasciano, Section Chief of K-12 Programs Ann Marie Gunter, World Language Consultant North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)
Spring RESA Session Agenda Read through the Spring RESA Session agenda printed on the back of our agenda to prepare for our opening discussion this morning
Comfort & Considerations Refreshments – available throughout the day Restrooms – behind the elevators Wireless Network: Kids1st No password required Cell phones, electronic gadgets, computers, etc. Please switch to silent/mute or vibrate
Housekeeping Lunch is 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. Parking Lot World Language Essential Standards (WLES) wiki Proficiency 101 Team
Today’s Agenda Thursday, February 22nd 9:30-10:00 a.m. Check-in & Refreshments 10:00-10:30 a.m. Welcome, Team Progress & Timeline Review 10:30-11:15 a.m. Update on Spring RESA Meetings & Proficiency 101 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sequencing of Content for PD 12:00-1:15 p.m. Lunch 1:15-2:15 p.m. Identifying Existing PD Resources & Materials 2:15-2:45 p.m. Planning the 2012 Summer Institute Agenda 2:45-3:00 p.m. Break 3:00-4:15 p.m. Preparing PD Materials & Activities for the 2012 SI 4:15-4:30 p.m. Debrief & Overview of February 24th Agenda
Re-introducing the Proficiency 101 Team Please share: Your name, district/school, and region represented The most important thing you learned during the Proficiency 101 Book Study The best thing that’s happened for you professionally or personally since 2012 began
The goal of the Proficiency 101 Team is to: Create a foundation of resources and PD content materials that will help teachers . . . Understand the 8 proficiency levels in the WLES Know how to teach to build proficiency Assess proficiency in the classroom To meet the professional development and implementation needs associated with the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards and the English Language Development Standards, as well as the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, the Proficiency 101 Project needs to be initiated, which would be a collaboration between NCDPI and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) informed by other organizations working in language and literacy development. The Proficiency 101 Project would be led by a team charged with the following: Building a foundation of resources for use by NC educators that address how language proficiency and literacy skills are built over time in K-12 education; Creating content for use in PD that will focus on understanding and assessing proficiency in the classroom, which could be packaged as an online module and/or used in blended PD. The Proficiency 101 Team would consist of representatives from all eight regions, charter schools, the college and university system and internal personnel involved with implementing language and literacy standards. In addition, reviewers, who would provide feedback on initial drafts and other work, would be designated so that revisions could take place prior to external reviews.
The tasks of the Proficiency 101 Team will be accomplished via: NC’s collaboration with ACTFL through . . . Ongoing technical assistance and consultation with the Proficiency 101 Team Virtual book study starting with Use of a private Google site To meet the professional development and implementation needs associated with the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards and the English Language Development Standards, as well as the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects, the Proficiency 101 Project needs to be initiated, which would be a collaboration between NCDPI and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) informed by other organizations working in language and literacy development. The Proficiency 101 Project would be led by a team charged with the following: Building a foundation of resources for use by NC educators that address how language proficiency and literacy skills are built over time in K-12 education; Creating content for use in PD that will focus on understanding and assessing proficiency in the classroom, which could be packaged as an online module and/or used in blended PD. The Proficiency 101 Team would consist of representatives from all eight regions, charter schools, the college and university system and internal personnel involved with implementing language and literacy standards. In addition, reviewers, who would provide feedback on initial drafts and other work, would be designated so that revisions could take place prior to external reviews.
Timeline for the Proficiency 101 Project Dates & Locations Agenda & Tasks Nov. 7-8, 2011 Face-to-Face 1st Team Meeting Introduction to ACTFL collaboration with ACTFL and goals Standards and Proficiency-Based Teaching & Assessment Launch of the virtual book study and e-LinguaFolio accounts Opening of virtual workspace November 9, 2011 – Feb. 14, 2012 Virtual Virtual Book Study The Keys to Assessing Language Performance, including ACTFL K-12 Performance & Proficiency Guidelines 21st Century Skills Map for World Languages WIDA Consortium Proficiency Standards and Model Performance Indicators World Language Essential Standards and Assessment Prototypes See handout on timeline
Timeline for the Proficiency 101 Project Dates & Locations Agenda & Tasks Feb. 23-24, 2012 Face-to-Face 2nd Team Meeting Drafting content materials, activities, and information to be shared during RttT webinars and the spring RESA sessions Outlining review and feedback loops, including deadlines, for Proficiency 101 content materials Mid-February – March, 2012 Face-to-Face and Virtual RESA Sessions plus Virtual Work Collecting feedback from reviewers, revising Proficiency 101 content materials Possible: Conducting school site visits for videotaping of team members and classroom teachers using Proficiency 101 approaches in the classroom
Proficiency 101 Project Lesson Plan Template WLES Program Target Proficiency Level Title & Level of Class/Course Unit or Theme Teacher(s) School Description of class/students District NCWLES Strands Featured COs WLES COs What will students . . .
Proficiency 101 Project Lesson Plan Template How will you . . . 21st Century Future-Ready Attributes Resources Links to Prior Learning Procedures & Instructional Activities Reflections (rankings) Notes on rankings Rationale for teaching approach Interdisciplinary Connections Differentiation Footer Author(s) with school & district Name of video file(s)
Proficiency 101 Project Samples
Timeline for the Proficiency 101 Project Dates & Locations Agenda & Tasks April 3-4, 2012 Face-to-Face 3rd Team Meeting Review of feedback from spring RESA session participants Drafting of additional Proficiency 101 content materials, activities, and information Planning for 2012 Summer Institute presentations focused on Proficiency 101 Analyzing how the collected Proficiency 101 materials could be shared through blended and online delivery systems as a module Mid-April – early June, 2012 Virtual Virtual Work Revise and publish Proficiency 101 content materials and prepare for 2012 Summer Institute presentations July 2012 2012 Summer Institutes Co-presenting on Proficiency 101 content materials at district’s/school’s regional site
Summer Institutes Content-Specific Sessions 2011: Introduction to WLES 2012: Proficiency 101 Understanding proficiency levels Teaching to build proficiency Assessing proficiency in the classroom 2013: TBD based on feedback and needs
West Stokes High School Stokes County Summer Institute 2 July 12-13, 2012 West Stokes High School Stokes County Summer Institute 2 July 10-11, 2012 Maiden High School Catawba County Schools Summer Institute 5 July 19-20, 2012 JH Rose High School Pitt County Summer Institute 1 June 21-22, 2012 Enka High School Buncombe County 2012 Summer Institute Locations and Dates: NCDPI is gearing up for the second year of Summer Institute training for each local PD Leadership team. We are excited to announce the location and dates of the 2012 Institutes to mark your calendars and to begin thinking about summer planning in preparation for your teams to attend. Please note that this is a SAVE THE DATE and further details are forthcoming. Additionally, this is a collaborative effort on the part of the agency, so representation from every district and RttT Charter School is critical. Information on Data Literacy, the NC Standard Course of Study, Information and Technology Standards, and the NC Educator Evaluation System will be featured at these trainings. Registration information will launch in February. Locations and dates are shown. Summer Institute 4 July 17-18, 2012 Croatan High School Carteret County Summer Institute 6 July 24-25, 2012 SanLee Middle School Lee County 2012 Common Core and Essential Standards Summer Institutes North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Spring RESA Meetings February 16th in Region 4 March 8th in Region 5 March 19th in Region 2 March 9th in Region 7 March 20th in Region 1 March 12th in Region 6 March 26th in Region 8 March 14th in Region 3 Spring RESA Meetings for World Language Content Session PD Leads & Colleagues