What is Mental Illness? Deviance Departure from cultural norms
Culture & Pathology Relativistic View Pancultural View There is no standards of normality Pancultural View Basic standards of normality are cross-cultural
What is Mental Illness? Deviance Departure from cultural norms Maladaptive Behavior (a.k.a., functional impairment) Everyday behavior is impaired Personal Distress Subjective report of pain
Clinical Psychology: The New Look Medical Model: Proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease
The Medical Model Diagnosis Distinguishing one illness from another What is it?
Diagnosis Determining whether the individual’s problem meets all the criteria for a psychological disorder
The Medical Model Diagnosis Distinguishing one illness from another What is it? Etiology Causation & developmental history of illness Where did it come from? Prognosis A forecast about the probable course of an illness Where is it going?
Myths of Mental Illness Disorders are incurable People with mental illness are violent People with mental illness behave bizarrely
Who is mentally ill? Prevalence The percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period Substance Abuse Anxiety Mood
Psychology & the Law Insanity A legal status indicating that a person cannot be held responsible for his or her actions because of mental illness M’naghten Rule Insanity exists when a mental disorder makes a person unable to distinguish right from wrong
Psychology & The Law Involuntary Commitment Hospitalized in psychiatric facilities against one’s will Temporary (24-72 hrs) vs. Long-term (6 mos.) Dangerous to themselves Dangerous to others Need treatment (severe disorientation)