In the Beginning…… Ancient peoples’ beliefs in supernatural approaches Scientific approaches starting around 400 B.C. Natural medicines and synthetic medicines The drug industry Medicine Through the Ages – A Timeline Ancient Smerians believed that illness was caused by demons Imhotep was the first physician known by name The supernatural approach to treating illness gave way to a more scientific approach around 400 BC In the earliest times medicine was based in magic and religion Quinine is made from the bark of the Peruvian cinchona tree Cocaine was the first effective local anesthetic The Chinese Emperor Shen Nung was one of the first known practitioners of “trial and error” drug testing The most widely used drug in the world is acetylsalicylic acid The discovery of cocaine revolutionized surgery and dentistry Papyrus Ebers is the most complete record of ancient Egyptian medicine and pharmacology and included about 800 prescriptions using 700 drugs Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their properties, uses, application, and effects An early form of immunization was practiced by King Mithridates of Pontos Shen Nung Pen Tsao is an early Chinese forerunner to the FDA approved drug list Dioscorides wrote De Materia Medica Charaka wrote the first great book of Indian medicine Galen believed there were four “humours” in man Rhazes wrothe the Book of Medicine Dedicated to Mansur Sarsaparilla is a natural medicine that is found in some of today’s teas and that became popular in the 1500s for its use on kidney and bladder ailments Paracelsus was a Swiss alchemist in the early 1500s who rejected all previous medical teaching other than Hippocrates Hormones are chemicals produced by the body that regulate body functions and processes Quinine is also called Jesuit’s powder Quinine was the first drug to be used successfully in the treatment of malaria Dr. Zabdiel Boylston was the first person in what is now the US known to administer a smallpox vaccine Edward Jenner successfully used the vaccine from cowpox to innoculate against smallpox The Greek physician Hippocrates developed a more scientific approach to treating illness around 400 BC The foxglove plant contains a drug that is used to treat heart disease If drugs that are marketed are found to have significant adverse effects, the FDA can recall them 3 out of 5 pharmacists work in community pharmacies
PHARMACY TODAY Prescription drugs The pharmacist Pharmacy settings Economic trends
THE PHARMACIST A trusted profession Expanding role OBRA ’90 Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
PHARMACY SETTINGS Community pharmacies Hospitals Mail order pharmacies Long-term care Managed care Home care Compounding pharmacies
Image copyright Perspective Press and Morton Publishing Company. ECONOMIC TRENDS Increasing total health care costs Increasing numbers of prescriptions filled Image copyright Perspective Press and Morton Publishing Company.
LIVING LONGER Image copyright Perspective Press and Morton Publishing Company.
COMPUTERS IN PHARMACY A pharmacy’s computer system may include: patient profile prescriber profile education (product information) product selection inventory labeling security pricing management reporting billing