Highways UK 2017 Health & Environment Panel
Transport for the North the first Sub-National Transport Body Transport Investment Strategy includes a list of the core functions of a STB, all enshrined in the draft constitution: Prepare a pan-regional transport strategy to support economic growth and development in the region – Draft Strategic Transport Plan to be consulted on January to March 2018 Provide advice to the Secretary of State about the development and prioritisation of transport investments in their region Co-ordinate the carrying out of transport functions that are exercisable by its constituent authorities, such as the implementation of smart ticketing initiatives Potentially, to play a role in the investment and oversight of performance on major roads in their region (that are not part of the national network maintained by Highways England)
Pan-Northern Transport Objectives
Transformational Economic Growth by 2050 could generate: Evidence from NPIER is being used as the backbone to inform the Strategic Transport Plan If the GVA gap between the North and the rest of England is closed, the economy of the whole of the UK will be rebalanced By 2050, in a transformed North, GVA is projected to be some 15% higher than a ‘business as usual’ projection, and productivity some 4% higher, with some 850,000 additional jobs A transformed North will require investment and improved performance in a number of critical areas, especially skills, innovation, and inward investment, alongside transport infrastructure and services
Distribution of Transformational Growth
How Can Transport Interventions improve health and environmental outcomes? Support growth in economic activity – employment and housing Increasing opportunities to access jobs and services Encourage more active travel Promote the move to less polluting technologies Deliver attractive infrastructure and think about how to enhance environmental outcomes, as well as mitigate for the negative impacts Support the transition to a cleaner, smarter transport & power sector