Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee December 6, 2017
N e x t s t e p s Agenda Group norms What we heard from you Confirm meeting schedule Plan for our work—short and long term Guiding Principles N e x t s t e p s
Group norms Show up on time & be prepared Listen with an open mind Think before speaking Stay mentally & physically present Stay on point & on time Attack the problem not the person Contribute to meeting goals Let everyone participate
What we heard from you… Set regular meeting schedule More information on the work plan for the next 3-6 months More opportunity for conversation More detail—assignment, diversity, ECE, ESL
5:30 p.m. Meeting Schedule 1st Tuesday January and November meetings on 1st Wednesday April & July meeting on 2nd Tuesday
Role of the Advisory Committee Core Team Board of Education Advisory Committee Community
Role of the Advisory Committee Core Team Advisory Team Research Develop ideas/plans/scenarios Present ideas to the Advisory Committee for response Are we on the right track? Are we asking the right questions? How do we balance competing interests? Will this work for our district?
Goal: Implement revisions in the 2020-21 school year Understand Dec 2017-March 2018 Community Input April 2018 Draft plan & take to community May-Oct 2018 Revise & get Board Approval Nov 2018-Jan 2019 Plan for Aug 2020 Feb 2019-Aug 2020 School Begins Aug 2020 Regular progress reports to the Board of Education
Next few meetings Understand December—Review the current plan December 2017-March 2018 December—Review the current plan Guiding principles January—Population trends, Housing Stability & predictability February—Diversity & equity in the current plan March—Facilities, magnets & Community input plan Quality and choice
Our current plan What has been your experience?
Guiding Principles Diversity Quality Choice Predictability In 2007 , the Board approved a set of Guiding Principles to direct the development of a Student Assignment Plan which meet the guidelines provided by the Supreme Court. The Guiding Principles are: Diversity Quality Choice Predictability Stability Equity These principles have been a cornerstone of every version of the student assignment plan approved by board since 2007
Our current plan What is your experience with the student assignment plan? What are the things that work well? What are the areas where there have been challenges? What’s missing?
Table work Time Activity 5 minutes Write your responses 15 minutes Table discussion 10 minutes Report to larger group
Next steps Core team will study the comments and look for common themes January meeting—Population and growth trends