Philip Linse, CenturyLink North American Numbering Council (NANC) Contract Oversight Subcommittee A Subcommittee of the Numbering Administration Oversight Working Group September 13, 2018 Co-Chairs: Betty Sanders, Charter Philip Linse, CenturyLink
Contract Oversight Subcommittee (COSC) Status Co-Chairs and membership selection completed Subcommittee membership began formal monthly Contract Deliverable meetings for B&C, NANPA, and PA vendors Subcommittee Activities: Monthly Review of Deliverables B&C Agent Monthly Review of Deliverables NANPA/PA Updated and submission of individual NANPA and PA TRDs to FCC Pursuant to FCC Chairman Pai, See FCC 18-11,combined and updated NANPA and PA TRD submitted to NAOWG Completion of 2017 Annual Review of NANPA and PA Vendors
Area of Responsibility Mission: The Numbering Administration Oversight Working Group oversees the activities and reviews the performances of the Numbering Administrators, including the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA), the Pooling Administrator (PA), and the NANP Billing and Collection Agent, through the assistance of the Contract Oversight Subcommittee FCC Contract Oversight of the following Vendors Billing & Collections (B&C) Agent – Welch LLC Bills and collects from the Telecommunications industry for payment for the functions of the B&C Agent, NANPA and PA Vendors North American Numbering Administration (NANPA) Vendor – Neustar Administers the allocation of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources Pooling Administration (PA) Vendor – Neustar Administers the allocation of 1,000 Block Number Pooling This contract also includes the Routing Number Administration (RNA) for p-ANI numbering resources
Contract Status B&C Agent: The contract was awarded in April 2018 and is a 5 year contract beginning May 1st 2018 NANPA Vendor: The contract expired July 8, 2017. Neustar contract extension through September 30, 2018 PA Vendor: The contract expired July 14, 2017. Neustar contract extension through September 30, 2018
NANPA & PA 2017 Annual Reviews NANPA Annual Review The NANPA’s rating for the 2017 performance year was “Met” July 11, 2018 Met with NANPA Vendor for 2017 Operational Review NANPA operational review presentation attached Vendor Survey developed and completed Survey results attached PA Annual Review The PA’s rating for the 2017 performance year was “Met” June 13, 2018 Met with PA Vendor for 2017 Operational review PA operational review presentation attached
Summary 2017 NANPA Survey Results Each section in the 2017 NANPA survey had one question and the respondents provided the following aggregated response ratings: Section Met Not Met N/A CO Code (NXX) Administration 38 5 NPA Relief Planning 39 1 3 NRUF 4 Other NANP Resources 27 15 NANP Administration System (NAS) NANPA Website and Reports 41 NANPA Industry Activities 36 6 Overall Assessment of the NANPA
Summary 2017 PA Survey Results Each section in the 2017 PA survey had one question and the respondents provided the following aggregated response ratings: Section Met Not Met N/A Pooling Administrator (PA) 51 Pooling Administration System (PAS) 44 1 6 PA Website 48 3 Miscellaneous PA Functions PA Industry Activities 43 8 Overall Assessment of the PA
Summary 2017 RNA Survey Results Each section in the 2017 RNA survey had one question and the respondents provided the following aggregated response ratings: Section Met Not Met N/A Routing Number Administrator (RNA) 8 3 Routing Number Administration System (RNAS) 7 4 RNA Website 9 2 RNA Industry Activities Overall Assessment of the RNA 10 1
NANPA Technical Requirement Documents (TRDs) COSC updated, approved and submitted Individual NANPA and PA TRDs to the FCC This provided the FCC with the current state of the individual TRDs for both the NANPA and the PA in anticipation of the potential need to award bridge contracts pursuant to the expiration of the current contracts on September 30, 2018 Pursuant to FCC Chairman Pai, See FCC 18-88, COSC combined TRD that combines the technical, operational, and system requirements of the NANPA, PA, and RNA This document provides the requirements that will combine the functionality of the NANPA, PA and RNA in a single system to facilitate all activities of the NANPA and the assignment, tracking, and data reporting requirements for all Numbering Resources This combined TRD was submitted by the COSC to the NAOWG for review and presentation to the NANC for approval in the September 13th NANC meeting The combined TRD will be used by the FCC as information to assist in the federal procurement process in the selection of a Vendor to provide all NANPA services (i.e., NANPA, PA and RNA services)
Contract Oversight Subcommittee (COSC) Membership COSC Voting Members: COSC Non-Voting Members: AT&T Bandwidth CenturyLink Charter Cox Maine PUC NASUCA Sprint Verizon Washington PUC T-Mobile Neustar Somos Telcordia dba iconectiv
Future Meetings/Contact Information Sept 18 October 30 Nov 27 Dec 11 Contact the Co-Chairs for complete meeting or conference call details or